Chapter 59

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I was getting sick of waking up in the damn hospital. I sat up against the raised bed, arms crossed arguing with Ghost.

"Come on Ghost. I'm fine. Convince them to let me leave."

"Wolf, you collapsed and were unconscious for the whole day. You've lost a significant amount of weight, and your hair has been coming out in clumps. You will remain here until you're eating a healthy amount. The doctors are working out a meal plan for best calorie intake."

I cross my arms against my chest, sulking. "I'll be fine."

Ghost just sat in the chair and ignored me, picking up his phone and dialling a number. I heard Soaps voice on the other end. 

"Ghost, it's two in the morning." Soaps voice had a thick brogue filled with irritation.

"Speak to your girlfriend and keep her entertained for a bit. You've been getting soft." He thrust the phone in my direction, stood up and walked out.

"Soap?" I hum. 

"Mo Uilebheist, you're awake." I could hear him instantly wake up, a smooth pleasure and relief filling his tone. "You need to stop falling unconscious."

"Trust me, Soap. I am sick of waking up in the medbay."

"Well, maybe you need to stop doing stupid shit."

"Hey! I take offence to that. It wasn't my fault this time."

"Between you and Ghost, you're the most stubborn two people I've ever met, so I doubt that."

Grunting, I settle back into the bed. "So, how is it going at the training facility?" I ask, and hear Soaps breath catch in his chest as he freezes, no doubt still groggy with sleep from the unexpected phone call. 

"Lass, how do you know where I am?"

"Last time you spoke to Ghost, I heard a familiar voice in the background."

"Damn your sensitive hearing. Price wanted to keep this on the downlow."

"Oh, I know. Ghost told me when I confronted him about it. Said something about not wanting me to interfere or something."

"Actually, I think it was more to do with not wanting to get your hopes up."

"Why, because one of you is intending on getting my brother to bond with you?"

"Ach, lass. Did Ghost tell you everything?"

"No, as soon as I knew where you were, I knew why you were there. Price had a look in his eyes when he met Shane the first time. I know he's trying to collect Bryce still too. Bryce isn't keen on it after contracting with us in Afghanistan."

"Hmph. So why did Ghost call to get me to babysit you?"

"Probably because I'm trying to leave the hospital bed and go back to my own room."

"Why don't you like the hospital? You're always trying to leave it. Even Ghost will begrudgingly stay and follow medics orders. Most of the time."

I sigh, hand coming up to pinch the bridge of my nose. "I spent months of prep time in labs before I even underwent surgery. The surgeries were mostly for the cosmetic and finishing touches. I have spent so much time in hospital beds, and dealing with doctors and scientists that I hate spending even more time in them. Feels like a waste of time, especially when my bed is more comfortable."

"Mo Uilebheist, I get it but it's for your own good. They are there to help."

I grunt in displeasure and change the topic. "So who did my brother end up bonding with then?"

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