Chapter 44

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"Dr. Cooper, I'm fine honestly. We've even been monitoring the bond all week since we've been back. I'm back to training and Ben has even cleared me for training again."

"Ghost, is she telling the truth?"

"Surprisingly, yes. Dr. McKenzie cleared her for training this morning."

"See? I do tell the truth."

"Not enough that I believe you when you do tell the truth."

"Correction, I just omit things. I don't lie. And only about my medical problems."

"Technicalities, Wolf. Are you sure you're not a politician?"

"Pretty sure."

"Alright, well Ceri I'll get Dr. McKenzie to email me your tests just as a precaution and I'll double check over them for you."

"Too easy Doc. Am I free to leave now?" I ask a little sarcastically.

"Yes, yes. Bye Ceri."

"Bye." I press the red hang up button on the zoom call and pocket my phone.

"Alright, Soap wanted to talk to me about his upcoming mission that's apparently all hush hush, you need me for anything for the rest of the afternoon Ghost?"

He waved me off with an eyeroll. "Nope, go enjoy your afternoon with your loverboy. I'll just be in my office doing paperwork if you need me."

"You know he hates being called loverboy."

"Why do you think I do it?" I could see the amused grin from the crinkling of his eyes between the mask, and the way the mask crinkles up.

"So mean Ghost."

"Damn straight, now git, before I give you a new nickname."

I surrender, hands up, ears pinned back and tail between my legs. "Alright, I'm going, I'm going."

I push open Ghosts office door and close it gently behind me before settling to all fours and loping through the base, my nose leading me to Soaps location easily. 

"Mo Uilebheist," he greets me as I stand up. He walks over to me leaning down to kiss between my ears giving them a good scratch as he does so.

"Soap, what's with all the hush-hush?" I ask wrapping my arms around his chest as I lean in inhaling deeply.

"Captains orders, sorry lass. But chances are this could take three, four months that I'll be away."

"Damn. I think Laswells got some information for Ghost and myself as well, so we'll be heading out soon. Going to Mexico. Ghost is already making comments about me being just one big puffball of fur shedding everywhere in the heat."

Soaps gentle laughter rang out across the hall I'd found him in. "At least it seems like you've finally settled into the colder weather. You don't shiver as much any more, and you're wearing your hoody less."

"Happened quicker than I was expecting. Only a couple of weeks."

Soap hooked my arm in his and led me towards the outside of the base to take a walk. "It's likely then that between the both of us being out on missions, we'll be out of contact a lot. I've got your number now, so I'll text when I can, yeah?"

"Sounds like a plan. Make sure you keep Gaz and the Captain safe yeah?"

"Then who looks after me?" his tone was mock offence that I would tell him to keep the others safe but not him.

"They better be both keeping you safe. Can't have you coming back without an arm. Ghost would be forever making jokes about how your 'armless. He already enjoys how annoyed you get with loverboy."

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