Chapter 35

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Lieutanant, Ceri is no longer in the medbay. 

I re-read the text and sighed. Damnit. I stood up hands splayed on my desk as I looked at the scattered paperwork that still needed to be completed from the mission in Afghanistan. I left the reports behind and made my way through the base back to the 141 quarters. I paused outside her room hearing faintly sounds coming from within. Sounded like music. Christmassy music. I tapped my card against the card against the reader and pulled the door open. 

"Wolf-" I began, my tone clearly irritated only to be hushed by a masculine voice. My eyes flashed through the darkness of the room, the triangle of light from the hallway illuminating only a small part of the room.

My back straightened, stepping into the room pulling my knife from it's holster at my thigh.

"LT, it's me ya daft cunt." Johnny's voice soft hit my ears and my back lost it's starch but I didn't put the knife away. 

"What are you doing?" My voice not much louder than Johnny's had been.

As my vision starts to adjust to the darkened room, I can see and hear Johnny start to shuffle about and stand up carefully. A soft whine as what I assume is Wolfs form settles into the spot Johnny had left behind. He begins to carefully make his way through the room and shoves me out, closing the door behind him.

"Why is Wolf not in the infirmary?"

"Well, LT, you were the one to suggest that I should do a tonne of grovelling and I figured letting her sleep in her own bed was a good starting place for that. By the way, you were right, that thing is comfortable. You think Price would let us buy one?"

"Johnny." I raise a hand to rub at my temples in exasperation.

"Yeah, you're right I don't think the Captain will let us."

"Johnny," I began again. "Why are you in Wolfs bed with her?"

"Don't you think you're asking to be hit with a little tmi, there LT?" Soap grinned at me, eyes lighting up with mischief. In response I crossed my arms against my chest, one hand still holding the knife as I tap it against my chest in warning. Soaps only response is to laugh not intimidating by my act at all.

"LT, she wanted company if she was to be confined to bed rest. Tha's all. We were watching Nightmare Before Christmas and she fell asleep."

"Nightmare Before Christmas? Really?" I sheath the knife and cock an eyebrow at him, only for him to shrug.

"She chose it. Said it's her favourite. I was just told to suck it up or leave, and well I'm trying to grovel so I sucked it up didn't I? And don't worry either LT, I carried her back so she wasn't putting any weight on her re-located hip."

"Hmph. Fine. She's you're responsibility seeing as though you sneaked her out of the medbay. You're lucky Dr. McKenzie seems to have been expecting it otherwise you'd be in a whole heap of shit."

"As I said, Ghost, I'm grovelling, I was prepared for the flak." He grins at me, "If this is all I'm getting in terms of punishment then I'd say I'm winning."

"Oh, don't worry I'll be disciplining you further for sneaking Wolf out. I'm sure she was the mastermind however so she'll also be disciplined for disobeying orders."

"Aww, come on LT, she just wanted to be in her own bed while she recovers. Is that so bad?"

"You both disobeyed a direct order that she was to remain in the infirmary."

"Actually, Dr. McKenzie gave permission for her to leave if you carried her. I took that upon myself instead."

"And I told her she was to remain in the infirmary."

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