Chapter 45

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After the cold weather of the UK, the mild balmy weather of Mexico was a delight. I tucked Soaps jumper that I'd faithfully kidnapped as promised into my rucksack and shouldered it, following Ghost through the airport carpark and pick up sections. 

"Ghost, amigo, welcome back to Mexico. Thought you swore off coming back after your last mission?" A man approached and clasped Ghost on the shoulder and shook his hand, surprising me. Ghost typically ignored and reduced contact with others as much as possible. I stood behind Ghost, remaining alert for anything the seemed off as they spoke with each other.

"Good to see you again, Alejandro. Unfortunately, the mission we're on sends us this way once again. I'm sure Laswell has briefed you?"

"Indeed she has. Doesn't miss a trick that one. She also mentioned you'd be bringing company?"

I step out from behind Ghost, not having realised he'd been blocking Alejandro's view of me completely, what with my eyes and ears focusing on the surrounding people. Alejandro's scent shot up in surprise despite his even expression. "Ah, Señorita, quite the trick that, hiding behind Ghost like that."

"Apologies. I often forget the size difference between us. I didn't realise it was that much of a difference to completely hide me." Alejandros eyebrows rise slightly, and I suspect he wasn't expecting the deep growling bass from my mouth.

"Señorita, you must be Wolf. Laswell has informed me of your particular...circunstancias.."

"Circumstances." Another man supplied as he approached us, the word falling from his mouth as he heard Alejandro falter on the English translation. He held his hand out to me, "Wolf, I am Rodolfo, but you can call me Rudy. This is Alejandro, welcome to Mexico. Have you been here before?"

I smile, letting it reach my eyes past my mask and reach out my own hand to shake his firmly. "Negative, it has always been on my list to visit, so I'm looking forward to seeing what I can while I'm here."

"Well, we have a long drive ahead of us, Wolf. You'll get to see a small portion of what Mexico offers on the way." He turns to Ghost with a warm smile. "Ghost. Good to see you again, Amigo. No Soap this time?"

"Not this time. On another mission this time round. Wanted to give Wolf a chance to stretch her legs on this one."

""Alright, well we better get started, no?" Rudy smiles warmly and begins leading the way to where they parked the car. We get into the humvee, Ghost and I settle into the back of the car and I wait until we're a half hour away from the Nuevo Laredo airport and pull down my mask. I'd be taking every opportunity on this trip to be going maskless. I hated wearing it when I needed to for the mission. Having to wear it around the basecamp as well was going to drive me mental.

Alejandro did a double take in the rear view mirror as he saw my face free of the mask. He noticed my attention on him and returned his focus back to the road. "So Wolf, what other changes did you undergo?"

"I have an enhanced sight, scent and taste capabilities, as well as speed and strength."

"Is that all?" he mused sarcastically.

"No, but we'd need to be better friends for you to know the rest." I grin wolfishly, letting him see my sharp canid teeth as he glances back in the rear view mirror. 

"I see that," his tone had turned more thoughtful, no doubt wondering how effective they were.

"So Wolf, how do you like working with Ghost? He hasn't been too surly with you yet?"

"I prefer Ghosts silence." I smile appreciatively. "I love a good conversation, but I appreciate the downtime Ghost provides. To be honest, you should really ask Ghost if he's sick of my hyperactive personality yet."

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