Chapter 8

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"Fuckin' 'ell!" 

I sat on a ledge three stories above the ground looking down at Ghost, panting with my tongue hanging out exactly like a pleased dog or wolf would. I could see him clearly staring up at me, the details in his mask showing that his mouth was hanging open. Disappearing from the ledge, I climbed down the spiral staircase and made my way back to Ghost. The scent of his sheer astonishment hit me hard, jolting me to a standstill as the switch in my head flicked again. Shaking my head as human thoughts streamed into my conciousness I continued walking on all fours comfortably over to stand by Ghost. "Impressive huh?" I asked, smiling more humanly up at him. 

"Yeah, you can say that again. Can I see you do that again?" He asked, still staring up at the ledge I'd vaulted up to. "Yeah, I can do that all day long, no problems. When I'm back to tip top shape that is." I respond, amused that he still hasn't clicked on to the switch. 

He nodded, paused and looked down at me, confusion flooding his emotions, his eyes wide like he'd just found out his pet dog could talk human. "You're back again huh?"

"Yeah, the scent of your astonishment was strong enough to trigger the switch to flip me back again. Hopefully as the bond stabilises my humanity more strongly, I won't flip as much."

"Can you still do that in your human state of mind?" He asked gesturing towards the wall. 

"Oh yeah, easy peasy." I say and take another running leap at the wall, using my momentum to climb straight, nails digging slightly into the brick wall for purchase as my momentum carries me straight up to the third ledge again.

I climb down the stairs again, this time on two legs instead of four and join Ghost back down on the ground. 

"Damn, that's beautiful." His voice is filled with awe and hints of jealousy. "Can you do that with added weight?" He asks. I know where this is going and shake my head. 

"Sorry Ghost. I might be able to manage two stories with a small child, but third is my limit with just me. I struggle even with just my harness and kit on." I can feel the disappointment flow through him as I say this, and I know he was thinking of utilising this to get the pair of us in and out. 

"Sorry, Ghost." I say again, guilt filling me just as quick as his disappointment does. He glances at me, and my expression must convey the depths of my guilt more than I thought it did because as quickly as the disappointment came on, his scent and emotions changed to one of consolation and a hint of regret. "No need to apologise Ceri, this is still a fantastic skill we'll be able to utilise for future missions. This is excellent." He reaches out to pat my head and then as if thinking better of the motion paused. I stepped forward, nudging his hand with my head to encourage the motion. 

"I am just as much canine as I am human. Physical touch is expected, and even encouraged between War Dogs and Handlers. Just like between handlers and real military dogs. Touch starvation can be a big problem for hybrids. We have the need for touch from both human and canine counterparts." His fingers scrape behind my ears, and I take the hair tie out of my hair to give him easier access without worrying about messing up my ponytail. 

"This is an unusual situation for me." His low rumbling voice was soothing. "Two weeks ago. I was only just finding out that hybrids existed, and now here you are encouraging me to pat you like a pet." I can feel the hint of discomfort riding low in the pit of his stomach. But above that, I can also sense the calming sensation scratching me is having on him. 

"Well... if it makes you feel any better, according to the law and the contract you signed, I basically am a pet. A pet that belongs to the military, but you've agreed to take responsibility over me. So, a pet. Or maybe a very misshapen and ugly child." I say the last with a slight grin and a dark chuckle. 

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