The Sorting.

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The Hogwarts Express.

Hermoine is shocked and asks."Do you hate your siblings?"Danny and Ron burst out laughing. Danny says."I love Jazz. And I'm sure that Ron loves his brothers too." Ron then adds."It's just not fun. To be compared to your other siblings all the time."

Danny says."My parents and uncle were great. But there was one teacher. Mr lancer. Who always seemed to enjoy tormenting me that I could not live up to Jazz academically. Oh, Mr Fenton, Why can't you be more like your sister? The example of what a student should be. I, for one. I'm glad to be rid of him."

Hermoine looks shocked and asks."Why would a teacher do such a thing?" Danny replies."Some. Kind of motivation? Personal Bias? Lancer favors the football team. And The perfect academic students. They can get away with anything the rest of us he comes down on twice as hard."

Danny then changes the subject by asking."So, have either of you successfully tried Magic?" Just as danny finishes his question, a boy opens the door. And asks."Have any of you seen a toad? I can't seem to find mine anywhere."

Danny says."You might want to check your hoodie. It seems to have a stowaway." The boy looks. And says."Thank you, I'm Neville, Neville Longbottom." Danny Replies."Daniel Fenton, but please call me Danny." Hermoine introduces herself next."I'm Hermoine Granger. Nice to meet you, Neville." And then Ron introduces himself." I'm Ron, Ron Weasley."

Danny then asks."Why dont you sit down, Neville?" Hermoine and Ron nod. And Neville happily joins them. Neville says."My cage broke down. That's why Trevor keeps escaping." Hermoine says."I can Fix it For you." she pulls out her wand and says."Reparo." Neville's cage fixes itself. And Neville Puts Trevor back in his cage. And he says."Thanks."

Hermoine says."I tried a few simple spells. But they all worked for me. What about the rest of you?" Danny pulls out his wand and says."Lumos." And a small light appears on the top of his wand. Danny says."It took me a few tries, But I got it to work in the end." Ron says."Mom would not let me practice at home." And Neville says."I did not practice any magic either."

The door opens, and a kind woman and a cart full of snacks are in the opening. she Asks."Anything of the trolleys, dears?" Ron says."No thanks, im all set." Neville says."No thanks, im good too." Danny says."I like a bit of everything, enough for four, please." Danny pays the trolly witch and Shares the candy with the others.

And despite Hermoine's insistence that she won't have any. The eleven-year-old girl inside of her wins in the end. Time passes, and the Hogwarts Express is moving on.

Suddenly, the door opens. And Draco asks."Is there anyone Named Daniel Fenton in here?" Danny says."You found him. How can I help you?" Draco says."Some Wizarding families are better than others, Fenton. You dont want to make friends with the wrong sort. I can help you there."

Danny replies."Please tell me what makes you think Im the right sort?" Draco awsners."My family was there too. And my mother saw you emerge from the vaults with a Seizable bag of Gold. Therefore, you have at least some Prominent magical ancestors." Danny then asks."And what is wrong with my friends here?"

Draco says."A Mudblood, A Squib, and A Blood traitor. These are not the kind of people. People like us associate with."

Danny replies coldly."Get out, now." Draco says."You heard him. You losers get out." Danny says."Oh no, not them you." Draco says, surprised."Why me, Fenton?" Danny awsers."I did not travel 4,455.06 miles to exchange American Dash Baxter with his English counterpart. And I Know About your belief system. And I must say. I dont care for it at all. So get out and go annoy someone else."

Draco storms off and says."You pay for this, Fenton." Danny sarcastically replies while rolling with his eyes."Oh no, Im so scared." He closes the compartment. And he sees that Ron, Neville, and Hermoine are laughing.

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