The First Week.

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Slytherin Dungeons.

Draco pales and begins saying."Wait till my father hears about this, Fenton." Danny grabs Draco by his collar and says."Are you threatening me, Peacock?" The rest of Slytherin is looking with anticipation, unknown to the students. Snape is watching as well.

Draco, knowing his bluff, has been called. Shouts."Crabbe, Goyle, get him." Danny sees two goons charging at him. He throws Draco to one of them. The other one tries to punch Danny. Danny blocks and hits the boy full on the nose. He pushes the boy to the ground And looks toward Draco and the other goon. And asks."So who is next?"

Snape walks in and says."Mr Malfoy, might I suggest that next time? You choose your opponents more wisely. Crabbe, Go to the hospital wing and have your nose healed." Snape turns towards Danny and says."Mr Fenton, while I believe in the right to defend yourself. Next time, try to take a more cunning approach. We are not Gryffindors here."

Danny says."Professor, is it not knowing when to use the direct approach in a situation cunning unto itself?" Snape Smirks and says."Mr Fenton, you will do well here. It seems that the first years have found the Junior Prefect. We will expect great things from you. Mr. Fenton, do not disappoint us."

Draco says."But that is my title. The Malfoys held that title for generations." Danny says."I guess it's time for a change." Draco says."I have followers, and you dont." Danny snorts and says."Hired goons are not followers." Goyle says."Malfoy, we back you up against anyone." He then points at Danny."Except for him. If you want to fight him, You're on your own."

Draco says."He is just one..." Marcus Flint interrupts Draco and says."Who without any real effort beat all three of you."

Draco storms off to his room and says."It is not over yet. Fenton." Danny rolls his eyes and says."Whatever." That causes the entire dungeon to start laughing.

Two girls, one with blond hair and a girl with brown hair. Walk up to Danny, and the girl with blond hair says."Hi, Im Daphne, and this is Tracy." Danny replies."It's nice to meet you, too. Im Daniel Fenton, but call me Danny." Daphne says."It was so satisfying to see Malfoy squirm."

Danny asks."Not his biggest fan, I take it?" Daphne snorts and replies."Would you like a guy who sees you as an accessory? And only wants you for your family name?"

Danny says."I dont have to worry about that with Mr Peacock. Mom says I'm not allowed to date animals." Tracy laughs and says."Danny, If your magic is half as good as your Humor. You will be a Legend."

After taking and getting to know the other kids, Danny calls it a day and heads towards his room. He enters his room, Walks up to his bed, and falls asleep.

Snape's office.

Snape thinks to himself. "It's clear to me now. That Fenton is not Potter's brat. No spawn of James Potter is that cunning." Snape pours himself a drink and heads to bed."

The Next Day.

It's seven in the morning. And Danny walks into the great hall. He sees Hermoine sitting alone. Having breakfast. He walks up to her and asks."Good Morning Hermoine. Mind if I join you?" Hermoine smiles and says."Not at all."

Danny sits with her and asks."So, how was your first night here?" Hermoine says."Gryffindor Tower is lovely. Is so warm and inviting how. is the Slytherin dungeon?"

Danny says."Everything I imagine a supervillain hideout to be." Hermoine laughs, and they finish breakfast together. And they head to the first class of the year.

Transfiguration Class.

They walk into the Transfiguration class together. And see that it's empty. The only exception is a tabby cat that sits on the desk. Danny and Hermoine take a seat in the front of the classroom. And get their books out.

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