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Hogwarts. At the end of the month

After the duel, Hermoine and Ron have fallen out. And both complain to Danny about the other. Danny, for his part, has declared being neutral. Danny says that it's between Hermoine and Ron. And that they need to work it out for themselves. Hermoine asks Danny about the note, And Danny says."I have no idea who sent it. But from your story. It might have been Peeves."

Hermoine replies."Why would Peeves help us?" Danny answers."Peeves dislikes Filch more than anybody. From what I heard, Filch enjoys Punishing students. So what better way to mess with him than to help students escape his grasp? I won't bother asking Peeves. He enjoys messing with everybody."

Hermoine says."That makes a lot of sense." That night, Snape visits Danny in his Dorm room and gives Him descriptions of a few spells.

Snape says."Mr. Fenton takes these. Flitwicks, way of fighting might work in a sanctioned Match, but outside of it. You might want a few creative solutions." He gives Danny the Full-body bind Curse, The Bludgeoning Hex, The Dancing Jinx, and the Healing charm.

Snape then says."As you already suspect, some are more difficult than others. And Mr. Fenton in self-defense only! Instigating fights and duels could lead to your expulsion."

Danny says."I understand, professor." Snape says."See that you do, Mr. Fenton. I would hate to have to find another Seeker. I do, however, wonder Why you did not come to me in the first place. Im your head of house."

Danny replies."I asked around. Students from all four houses described Professor Flitwick as a dueling champion. So I thought he was the most obvious choice to ask." Snape says."I can't argue with your reasoning, Mr Fenton. But If you require any assistance. I would prefer it if you asked me instead." Danny replies."I will keep your suggestions and advice in mind, professor."

In the days leading up to Halloween Danny, And Hermoine continues to excel in class. Danny has sent out messages to his family and friends again. Hermoine has sent letters To both Her parents and Jazz. They both enjoy writing to each other. And both of them like the same things and school subjects. In his free time, Danny splits his time between his friends and trying to learn the spells given to him by Snape and Flitwick.

But things continue to deteriorate between Hermoine and Ron. And it all comes to a boiling point at Halloween's charm class.

Flitwick says."Today class, we are finally going to use magic in this class. The spell today is the levitation charm. Now, remember the wrist movement we have been practicing. And dont forget the words. Wingardium Leviosa. Being very clear in your pronunciation is very important in charms."

Flitwick pairs up the students. Hermoine is with Ron, and Neville is with Sheamus. And Danny is Paired up with Daphne.

Ron is waving his wand like a madman and says."Wingardium Levosar." Hermoine stops him and says."You are saying it wrong. The correct phrase is. Wing-gar-dium Levi-o-sa. Make the 'gar' nice and long."

Ron snaps and says."You do it then if you're so clever."

Hermoine rolls up her sleeve flicks her wand, and says."Wingardium Leviosa." The feather rose off the desk and hovered about four feet above their heads.

Flitwick says."Oh, Well done. Everyone look, Miss Granger has done it." Fifteen Minutes later, Danny, after several tries, Manages. To successfully get his feather to hover as well. Flitwick says."Well done, Mr. Fenton."

Ron, however, was in a bad mood for the rest of the class. The class ends. And Flitwick asks Danny to stay behind. Flitwick asks."How are your extra studies going, Mr. Fenton?" Danny replies."I made some Progress on the Tickling charm. And The Disarming Charm. Due to reading ahead for my Defence against the Dark Arts. I can use the Knockback Jinx."

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