Dumbledore Remembers.

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Several hours pass while Danny perfects his Ice Powers. Frostbite does not only teach Danny how to use his Ice Powers but also advises on his other powers.

Even Vlad, who has over twenty years of experience, Picks up several ideas. Vlad thinks to himself."This trip has been well worth the effort. I never even believed those things would be possible."

After they complete the training, Frostbite gifts Danny and Vlad with a Special kind of map.

Danny and Vlad thank Frostbite for all of his help and advice. And Danny and Vlad take off. They return to Amity Park.

When they finally arrive back home. They see that Undergrowth has claimed Amity Park and the nearby Towns and Villages.

Danny and Vlad split themselves into four copies. Danny, Freezes While Vlad protects them.

Soon, they manage to Drive back Undergrowth's vines. Back To The Local Park in Amity Park and due to Danny's Ice Powers. The Population is set free from Undergrowth's control.

And then finally. After a long battle. Manage to Put Undergrowth on Ice. They hand Undergrowth over to the observers. Who then places Vortex in a cell.

Clockwork appears and says."It seems the time of Destiny is almost upon us. You did well, Daniel. And Happy Birthday." As soon as Clockwork finishes talking, the city hall rings on a new day.

Meanwhile, in Hogwarts. Dumbledore is musing about the events that have taken place and will take place soon. When his Memory Charm breaks, He says."Da. Harry. No, this is all wrong. How is he a Slytherin?" Dumbledore turns to the sorting hat and asks."What did you discover when you sorted Harry Potter?"

The sorting hat replies."Mr Fenton or Potter is in the house where he belongs. And as for what I saw. You know I never reveal that to anyone. And im not planning to start after a thousand years."

Dumbledore thinks."It's time to get some answers." He grabs some floo powder and says."Potter residence." McGonagall had overheard everything and went in right after him.

Danny transforms back into his human form. And everyone wishes him a Happy birthday. Suddenly, the fireplace lights up, And Dumbledore walks out of it. A few seconds later, so does McGonagall.

Dumbledore says."First and Most importantly. Happy Birthday, Harry." Danny replies."Yeah, it's still Danny or Daniel. And here is my question. Why are you two here?" Dumbledore awsers."I had questions about a few things. So I decided to come and ask them." James replies."Okay, so ask and leave. This is inapropiate."

McGonagall replies."I agree. Albus, this is not how a headmaster is supposed to behave." Dumbledore asks."First question. When are you and your family moving back to Britain?" James says."We won't move back. We like it here." Dumbledore replies."What about the wizarding world?"

Sirius says."The one that allows Proven death eaters to go free? Or the one that Imprisions people without trial? The one that worships Lucius Malfoy but treats decent people like Arthur Weasley And Molly Weasley like dirt? There are times I wonder. Why we fought for it in the first place."

Dumbledore says."While I admit, it's not perfect." James cut in and says."One year of living here opened my eyes to how far the Wizarding World is behind. Next time, I must fight. Im fighting for a better world."

Lily says."And even if we decided to move back. That does not include Danny." Dumbledore says."But Harry is your son."

James, who is getting angry. Says."First of all, get this through your head, Dumbledore. His name is Daniel or Danny. Secondly, Maddy and Jack have been his parents for the last thirteen years." Lupin says."He has a whole life here. We can't waltz in and demand he leaves it all behind."

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