Danny's Eventful Summer.

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Danny sends out Hedwig and heads to the airport with his parents. They get on a plane, and the journey home is uneventful. But the day before, Danny sends out Hedwig.

Jack asks why he would send out Hedwig. Danny says."I promised to send a release paper to the Ministry of Magic for the groundskeeper. Hagrid did not commit the crime they accused him of. And because im in London. Hedwig can deliver the message more swiftly than a Hogwarts owl." Jack says."That Owl is Incredible. I never met a more intelligent animal."

The first week passes without incident, and Danny, Sam, and Tucker spend most of the first week catching up.

Day eight of summer vacation.

Danny and his friends are relaxing in the Fenton lab. The Ghostportal Suddenly becomes active, and through it comes a ghost. The ghost Intrudces himself."Humans, I am Skulker. The best hunter of the Ghostzone." Danny asks."What do you want?" Skulker says."I will Hunt, Kill, And Skin a purple Gorilla. It will look lovely around my fireplace."

Sam, being the activist that she is, Tells Skulker to get lost. Skulker grabs Sam and Danny, seeing no other choice, Transforms and kicks Skulker away, saving Sam in the process.

Danny fights Skulker, who, unlike the Box Ghost. Skulker Is more than a match for Danny. And it does not take long for Skulker to subdue Danny and says."A purple Gorilla and A Halfa, this is a good week."

Tucker is looking at his PDA, hoping to find something to help his friend out. Skulker notices the PDA And absorbs it. Just as he Is about to finish off Danny, The PDA becomes active. And Skulker flies off for some odd reason.

Danny recovers, and Sam and Tucker help him up gently. Danny apologizes for keeping his Ghost Powers a secret. And Tucker says."Well, at least we know both of your secrets now."

Danny asks in surprise."What do you mean, Tuck?" Sam laughs and says."Come on, Danny. Every time you get Mad or Scared. Odd stuff seems to Happen. Like that time you turned Lancer's beard Blue."

Tucker says."But being A Wizard and A superhero is overdoing it." Danny says."Well, we did it for a specific reason." Sam asks."Your Parents Murder?" Danny Nods. Danny asks."What happened with that ghost? He suddenly flew off." Tucker says."I made him sync up with my PDA, so he is subject to a very full agenda."

Danny says."We need to find a way to contain him." Jack, who saw the event in the lab take place. Asks Danny."Are you alright, son?" Danny nods. And Jack gives him a thermos. Jack explains."This thermos can help you capture renegade ghosts. All you need to do is use your ecto energy to draw them in."

Danny and Skulker encounter each other several times. Although Danny loses each time, He is getting more adept at fighting with his ghost powers.

At the zoo a week later, Danny and Skulker are fighting, And Danny seemingly gives up. And Skulker grabs his Knife.

Danny Smiles and uses the thermos on Skulker, who gets sucked into the thermos. Sam and Tucker run up to him and Ask if he is alright. With Danny saying that he is. And that he is glad it's over.

In the following days, Danny confirms he has extra courses for His third Year at Hogwarts. He has Chosen Ancient Runes, Care of Magical Creatures, and Arithmancy.

He writes to Hermoine, Who compliments him for not taking the easy electives like Ron and Neville.

The next day.

Danny watches a news report on A pale man with A raincoast who steals technology. Danny thinks it's a ghost and decides to look around.

He finds the ghost who introduces himself at Technus. Technus uses the tech he stole to attack Danny. Who, thanks to his experiences with Skulker, Is more than a match for Technus in his base form.

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