Lunar Madness.

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Moments before the revolt.

In the great hall, Danny and the others are talking. About what transpired that day. And Danny says."It appears that Scabbers was. A Mass murdering, backstabbing fruitloop. And Ron, I will buy you a new pet."

Daphne asks."How long do you think the teachers are still busy with the interrogation?" Danny says."It could take a while. Hearing twelve years worth of information. Takes a lot of time."

Ron says." Well, Im glad Sirius is innocent. Even if it means losing Scabbers."

Daphne, Tracy, and Luna have no idea why Ron would be so relieved. Danny then tells them who he is. And they all admit that explains How Danny survived all of those adventures.

Suddenly, Several Dementors break into the Great Hall. And they start attacking the students there. Danny aims his wand and yells out. "Expecto Patronum." A magnificent Stag comes forth out of Danny's wand. The stag drives every Dementor out of the great hall. And it runs out of the great hall.

Percy sees the stag. Percy says."Everyone inside of the Great Hall." And all the students outside of the great hall follow him inside.

The teachers rush in along with Sirius. McGonagall asks."Is everyone unharmed?" Percy says."Everyone here is okay, professor. But there are a large number of students missing." Dumbledore asks."Filius, can you protect the students here?" Flitwick replies."Of course, Albus."

Dumbledore says."The rest of you save as many students as you can." Sirius says."Remus and I will stay behind as well. According to Remus, most students are here."

Dumbledore says."Good, that means the great hall is secure. Children do what Professors Lupin and Flitwick tell you to do." Dumbledore and the other teachers head out to save the rest of the students.

Flitwick walks up to Danny and says."That was a magnificent Patronus, Mr. Fenton." Danny says."Yeah, but it's not enough to save everyone." Ginny runs up to him and says."Danny, it's Hermoine. She is still in the library." Flitwick says."Go, Mr. Fenton, Professor Lupin, and I can hold things here. You are the only one besides us who can extract the students safely there."

Danny runs towards the library as fast as he can. Danny enters the library. And Cast his Patronus, who clears out the library of any dementors. Danny looks around and shouts out."Hermoine. Hermoine, where are you?" To Danny's relief, a voice says."Im Here, Danny." Hermoine comes out of A hidden place in the library with a few first years.

Danny says."There is a safe place in the great hall. Stay close." Suddenly, an unpleasantly familiar voice says."Why should we listen to you, Fenton?" Danny says."Because, Peacock, you won't be getting the same offer from the dementors." Draco pales and heads toward the great hall.

A while later, Danny and the children of the library. Enter the great hall. Flitwick says."Well done, Mr. Fenton." Danny asks."Any news from the other teachers?" Flitwick shakes his head. Danny asks."Why would they suddenly go nuts?"

Flitwick says."Being denied both. Sirius and Hagrid Was too much for them. Plus, all the teenagers gathered here proved too great a temptation for them." Suddenly, Remus loses control. And Sirius and Danny look outside. It's a full moon.

Sirius yells out."we need to get Remus outside NOW." Flitwick casts Despulso. And sends Lupin flying out the door. Sirius says."I will hold of Remus." He transforms and runs outside.

Sirius tries to reason with Lupin, who has forgotten to take his Potion. Lupin transforms and proves too powerful for him to handle alone. One of the robed figures says."It's time." They kiss and Split up.

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