The Philosopher's Stone.

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In the next few months, Danny and the others continue to learn the basics of many forms of magic. Danny also won his second Quidditch match. And then Hermoine says."I finally found it." Danny replies."Way to go, Hermoine!!!" Hermoine beams at Danny's compliment and says."Nicolas Flamel is the only known maker of the Philosopher's Stone. That's what's hidden on the third floor. That is what Fluffy is guarding."

Hermoine then says."Let's ask Hagrid." Danny replies."let's go tomorrow. It's almost curfew." Hermoine says."Okay, Danny, I will talk to Neville and Ron and explain what we found."

Unbeknownst to Danny. Hermoine, Ron, And Neville decided to go that night. And they got caught. Suddenly, Snape walks in and says."Mr Fenton, follow me. It is important." Danny replies."Of course, Professor."

Danny follows Snape into a classroom. And he sees Ron, Neville, Hermoine, and Draco for some odd reason. Also in the room is McGonagall.

Danny asks."Why im I here, Professor?" McGonagall says."Your friends were caught after curfew Mr, Fenton." Danny replies."And this involves me how?" McGonagall signs and says."Your friends were visiting Hagrid, who seemed to have a dragon." Danny says."A dragon is that cool. But not good. But my question remains is why I am here?"

Snape says."Your friends will be serving detention in the dark woods. And we would like to send you along to keep them and Hagrid in line. Naturally, we will reward you for your help." Danny says."Very well, Professor. I do have one question, however."

Mcgonagall says."Go ahead, Mr. Fenton." Danny says."Can a prefect join us? It would help to have a trained witch or wizard with us." Snape replies."I approve of your practical and logical reasoning Mr, Fenton. The prefects and professors are unfortunately otherwise engaged."

McGonagall says."Im sure you will be able to manage Mr Fenton. But I, too. Approve of your logic and reasoning."

Danny and the others meet Hagrid, who is sniffing and says."Dumbledore has send Norbert to Romania." Hermoine replies."Thats good. That means he can be with his kind." Hagrid asks."But what if he does not like Romania?" Danny replies."Im sure that Dumbledore would make sure. He ends up in a good place." Hagrid seems to be relieved by this and says."He is a good man. Dumbledore."

Danny asks."What are we looking for, Hagrid?" Hagrid replies."Unicorns have been attacked and killed. Our job is to look for clues." They walk into the forest. And Hagrid suggests they split up. Danny is paired with Draco and Fang. Draco is complaining by saying."This. Is servants work, Wait till my father hears about this." Danny tells Draco."Stop complaining, Peacock." Draco says."And why is that Fenton?" Danny points to a shadowy figure and says."We are not alone."

Danny says."Draco Run." Draco runs off as fast as he can. And Danny readies his wand and says."Surrender." The figure charges towards Danny. and Danny yells."Rictusempra." The figure dodges Danny's spell. And Danny tries again."Flipendo." And the being dodges. Again. Danny thinks to himself."I need to use my ghost powers to get out of this."

Suddenly, a centaur appears and drives off the creature. And the centaur says."Young wizard, it's not safe here. It's a terrible crime to kill a unicorn." Danny replies."Thanks, I owe you one." And the centaur says."Mars shines brightly tonight." Hagrid says."Hello Firenze, I see you met Young Daniel." The centaur says."Be careful, young Daniel. You seem to have a touch of destiny about you."

Danny finished his exam and got almost perfect marks. Only Hermoine scored higher overall. He also won his third Quidditch match. And on a beautiful day, Snape says."Why are the four of you here? People might think you up to no good." Hermoine says."Snape plans on getting the stone tonight. We go warn McGonagall." Danny says."I go talk to Hagrid."

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