Danny's First Week Back.

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After Danny returns to His Compartment. the door opens. A Man who introduces himself as Remus Lupin asks if they are alright.

Danny says he is fine, And Remus looks at him like he sees someone familiar.

The others also say they are fine. And Remus makes a round to the rest of the train.

Hermoine says."I wonder what happened to that dementor? Suddenly, it was gone." Danny says."Im sure he will be grateful for the care you have shown him." Hermoine asks."Are you feeling better, Danny?" Danny hugs her and says."Yes, im myself again."

The rest of the trip is uneventful. And They get off the train. Danny sees Daphne, and he sees her talking to a young girl who looks just like her.

Daphne and Tracy wave at him, and He does the same.

The feast that night.

Dumbledore makes the yearly announcements."First off, let me welcome you all back to another year at Hogwarts. Our new defense against the dark arts Professor will be Professor Lupin, good luck professor."

Most of the great hall claps for the man except for some of the Slytherins.

Dumbledore continues."Professor Kettleburn has decided to retire and Spend more time with his remaining limbs but I have Delightful news his class will be taken over by none other than our own Rubius Hagrid."

Everyone except the Slytherins cheers and claps Danny, the Slytherin that does joins in the clapping and cheering.

Dumbledore then turns Serious and says."Until further notice Hogwarts shall be host to the dementors of Azkaban and while I have the Ministery promise that they won't interfere. A word of caution Dementors are Vile and vicious creatures who do not make a distinction between those who get in their way and those they hunt. But happiness can be found anywhere as long as you remember to turn on the light."

Danny is introduced to Astoria, Daphne's little sister.

In the week that follows Danny is impressed by Lupin's class who, unlike Quirell and Lockhart, seems to be a complete professional. Lupin, for his part, can't shake the feeling he has met Danny before.

Care of Magical creatures.

Hagrid says."Do I have a treat for you follow me." the class follows him and they come by a Hippogriff. Hagrid asks for a volunteer and unbeknownst to Danny the entire class takes a step back. Making him the volunteer.

Danny quips by saying. "I Hate all of you," Hagrid tells Danny what to do, and After a few minutes, Danny is petting the hippogriff. Hagrid lifts him and puts him on Buckbeak, who flies Danny around the grounds. After they land Draco walks up to Buckbeak and is as condescending as ever.

Buckbeak feeling threatened by Draco coming at him lungs toward Draco gets on his hind legs and as he is about to claw at him Danny pushes Draco aside and takes the attack instead. Buckbeak sees that he attacked Danny instead and Hagrid dismisses the class giving Draco Detention for Having endangered himself and Injured another student.

Hermoine rushes over to Danny and takes him to the hospital wing. With Ron and Neville Helping as well.

In the hospital wing, Madam Pomfrey fixes Danny's arm and tells him that he will be as good as new in a few Days. The staff walks in With Fudge. McGonagall asks."Mr Fenton, can you explain what happened today?"

Danny explains."Well, we started our first care class. Hagrid showed us the creature of today and Explained what it was. He asked for it. a volunteer and that was me. He clearly explained how to approach the Hippogriff. and after letting me fly on it. Malfoy ignored every safety protocol explained by the teacher. And chose to antagonize the Hippogriff. Who felt danger and defended himself. I pushed the Idiot out of the way and that's how I got here."

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