Family and Revelations.

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Amity park.

Sam, Tucker, and Jazz meet Danny outside. And Tucker asks."Are you alright, Danny?" Danny replies."No, Im not alright. And I sure was not ready to find that waiting for me."

Jazz says."Come on, Little brother, let's take a walk." At the nearby park, the four sit down. And Danny asks."I have one question. how?" Jazz says."They showed up about a week ago. And believe me, Mom took it even worse than you do."


A week earlier, the doorbell suddenly rang. Maddy opens the door, and all she can say is."HOW DARE YOU." Maddy attacks the people at the door.

End of Flashback.

Meanwhile, at the Fenton's residence, Sirius says."Was it something we said?" Lupin shakes his head, annoyed, and Lupin says."This Sirius was the dumbest way we could have handled this."

Jack says."It's not like you had a better idea. But I agree this was a stupid plan." Maddy says, worried."I hope Danny is alright." Vlad says."Im sure that Jasmine and the others will be able to calm him down. But I agree this was by far. The dumbest way we could have handled this."

Meanwhile, back with the kids, Sam asks."So, are you ready to go back?" Danny says."I dont think I will ever be. But I might as well get it over with." Jazz hugs him and says."Try to have an open mind, Little brother."

The four head inside, and Danny walks up to the two strangers. And Danny says."You two better have a good explanation on why you are still alive." James says."Almost thirteen years ago, a week before that faithful night. My parents visited. And they had the idea to use a spell. That would exchange their lives for ours."

Lily adds."The spell had a chance of failing. But it worked out in the end." Danny says."Why did you reveal yourselves now after all this time?" James says."We were in a form of hibernation for eleven years. But as your mother was pregnant, we needed time to deliver the baby." Jack says."They showed up not long after you left for school this year."

Maddy says."I did not take it well either." James says."Oh, dont worry, you only broke my nose." Maddy replies."I thought you were disrespecting the memory of my late brother-in-law." Danny says."Wait a minute here, A Baby?"

Lily says."She is sleeping next door." Danny asks."Are the neighbors watching her?" James says."No, we are the new neighbors. An old friend is watching her. More specifically, the daughter of an old friend."

Danny says."Even with two wizards, a werewolf, and a witch. We are somehow still the weird neighbors." Jazz says."That's not funny, Danny." Danny replies."I know, right? Anyway, I had enough for one day. Im going to bed."

Rather than go to sleep, Danny transforms and heads into the ghost zone. Jack hears his alarm going off and says."Well, he took it as well as we thought he would." Lily says with a sad voice."Why is this so difficult for him? Is he not happy to see us?" James says."I dont know, Honey. Mabye this way a mistake."

Jazz says."You are kidding, right? Two people who Danny thought were dead show up after twelve years. Announce themself in the dumbest possible way. And oh yeah, suddenly there is a sibling too. And to make matters worse, he nearly killed an innocent person, believing he was avenging your deaths."

Jazz rant continues."And you are dumb enough to think he would what. Just accept all of it and move on. I know most Wizards view him as more than just a person. But guess what? He is just a thirteen-year-old boy. Who has been dealt more revelations in a day than most get in their lifetimes. Is it so strange he needs a bit of time?"

Vlad says."It's not like he is unhappy to see you. It's just that he has no idea what to make of all of this." James says."I guess we got so caught up in our joy. Of being reunited with our son that I never considered how he would feel."

Danny Phantom and the Wizarding World.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ