Quidditch World Cup.

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A few days. After the Argument between Dumbledore and half of the marauders. Dumbledore revisits the Potters only, except for barging in like last time. He rings the doorbell and asks if he may come in.

Lily lets him in. And Dumbledore sits down. In the living room, and begins by saying."I want to apologize for my behavior a few days ago. And to Mr and Mrs Fenton. I want to apologize for dismissing you as parents. You did a great job raising Daniel. And Daniel, I owe you an apology for trying to leave you with the Dursleys. I was so focused on the war. I forgot to follow the last will of your parents."

Maddy asks."Why did you choose to Ignore the will?"

Dumbledore says."That Horrible night many years ago. I lost over half a dozen friends and Allies. People, I educated. And, in some cases, raised from small children to Young adults. Lily and James, Alice and Frank. Peter and Sirius."

Dumbledore continues."Sirius, I owe you an apology as well. I believed that you were guilty. And I was so heartbroken to see a young man I trusted commit fifteen murders. I never bothered to visit you. Even if it was to ask why."

Dumbledore finishes."I was so focused on finishing the war. I lost sight that my decisions impacted people."

James says."I owe you an apology as well. I was so angry when I found out what happened. With Sirius That, I did not even try to listen. To what you had to say."

Jack says."Well, that answers all the questions I had." Dumbledore asks."Mr and Mrs Fenton, might I be so bold to ask a question?" Maddy says."Go ahead, Headmaster." Dumbledore asks."May I see your lab? I talked with Arthur Weasley almost two years ago. And I must admit my curiosity has gotten the better of me." Jack asks."Danny, can you show your Professor the lab?" Danny says."Sure, Dad."

Danny takes Dumbledore to the lab. Dumbledore is amazed and caught by surprise. Dumbledore says."I believed at first that Arthur was exaggerating. But if anything, he undersold it." Danny says."Dont try to touch random things. Some of this stuff is dangerous." Dumbledore sees the scans Danny talked about. He asks."How did your parents come up with the idea?"

Danny says."My parents studies. And research focuses on the paranormal. Such as Magic and Ghosts. One day. A snake seeking shelter found its way into the lab. My parents were trying to find out. Why do some people have magic while others do not? And Jazz and I were Observed. To see the diffrence between The brain of a wizard and the brain of a muggle."

Danny continues."The scans were the same. Until I started to speak to the serpent That activated the magic and showed it in my scan."

Dumbledore says."It's Amazing how discoveries in life. Are at times the product of an accident."

Danny then begins to explain."My Birth parents did the same thing as Jazz and I. And they showed no such thing."

Dumbledore says."That led your Parents to conclude. That something did not belong in your head."

Danny then says."The removal of his soul out of my brain was the side effect of something else."

Dumbledore says."Ah, that must be the day that Ghostboy was born." Danny looks surprised, and Dumbledore chuckles and says."What gave you away was the incident with Peeves. After all, the most affected by Peeves claiming the Libary was Miss Granger." Danny says."Im sorry for hiding it." Dumbledore says."Anyone in your position would do the same. And im the last to begrudge anyone a few secrets."

Dumbledore and Danny head back, and Dumbledore asks."James, I need to make an Unbreakable vow. Would you do the honors?" James nods, and Danny says."Do you swear never to reveal? What we talked about this day? To people outside of this room and Hermoine Granger," Dumbledore says."I swear." James Asks."So when did you figure out the truth?"

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