Of Snakes and Spiders.

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Danny visits hermoine every day. But he is frustrated that he can't do anything to help. Danny keeps asking around and looking for clues.

But Danny is stumped, and he has no idea where to look. In an act of desperation, he decides to talk to Hagrid. Danny knocks on the door, and Hagrid opens the door, holding a crossbow. He tells Danny to come in.

Danny asks Hagrid if he knows anything. Just as Hagrid is about to explain his side of the story, Someone knocks at the door.

Hagrid tells Danny to hide. Danny drops a mic While Hagrid is looking the other way. Danny activates his ghost powers. And walks through the wall and flies on the roof.

He overhears that a man named Fudge is telling Hagrid he must come with him as Hagrid's past is not working in his favor.

Meanwhile, Lucius tells Dumbledore that the governors have decided to remove him. Hagrid says. "Without Dumbledore, the Muggleborns won't stand any chance. There be Killings next." Lucius asks with glee."Do you think so?"

Dumbledore says."If the school governors wish for me to step back, I will do so. But Help will always be given at Hogwarts to those who ask. And in doubt, I find visiting the treasures of the past to be most illuminating." Hagrid says."And when in doubt, follow the spiders."

Danny has twenty minutes left with his ghost powers. He Follows the spiders into a massive spider and he finds the main spider he asks."Why did Hagrid open the chamber?" The giant spider says."Hagrid never opened the chamber of secrets. Within the chamber dwells a creature that all spiders fear."

Danny says."Thanks, I be on my way then." Aragog laughs and says."Leave? I dont think so. You see, my children do not attack Hagrid on my command, but I won't deny them a fresh meal." Danny casts a smoke charm and Uses the distraction to fly out of the spider den.

The next day, Danny tells Ron And Neville what happened. And Ron for his part. Was overjoyed that he did not have to walk into the spider den.

Danny is holding Hermoine's hand when suddenly he feels a sheet of paper in it. He reads it and thanks to Hermoine. Danny knows he is dealing with a basilisk.

After dinner, the school finds a chilling message written on the walls.

"Her skeleton shall lie in the chamber forever." Danny overhears the teachers. "Who has the monster taken?" "Ginny Weasley."

Danny pieces together the rest of the story. And enters the school reliquary and swipes a sword from it.

Danny heads towards the bathroom where the bloody baron. Told Danny he could find Moaning Myrtle.

Danny enters the bathroom and asks her for her story on how she died. After Moaning Myrtle explains her story. Danny looks around in the bathroom he finds a sink with a snake on it. Myrtle decides to bother the other Ghosts.

Danny knowing he is alone activates his watch. He transforms and then blasts a hole through the sink and finds the entrance to the chamber.

He enters it and after a while finds a massive door with a bunch of snakes on it he tears the door clean of the handle and tosses it aside.

He transforms back and enters the main chamber that is filled with statues of Giant snakeheads.

He finds Ginny lying unconscious on the floor. Danny says."Ginny, please be alright." A voice says."Ginny Weasley can't hear you" Danny says."I dont know who you are but let her go." The boy says."I can't do that you see while Ginny Weasley grows weaker. I grow stronger."

Danny asks."Why did you attack all of those students?" The boy smiles evilly and says."Because Mudbloods have always revolted me." Danny says."Your name implies Muggle parentage." The boy says."I refused to keep my filthy muggle father's name I fashioned myself a new name. One that wizards and witches would fear. When I became the greatest wizard of all time."

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