Dueling And Vengeance.

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Dueling club.

Lockhart says."Can everyone hear me? Professor Dumbledore has allowed me to host this dueling club. And Professor Snape volunteered to assist me. But dont worry, you still have your potion master when im through with him."

Danny Says to Ron."Five Knuts Lockhart ends on his ass after one spell." Ron says."You're on." Lockhart and Snape greet each other and bow. They walk to the opposite parts of the dueling arena, and Lockhart counts off. Snape then says."Expelliarmus"

And Lockhart lands on his ass. He then gets up and says."Well done, Professor Snape. But it was obvious what you were going to do. And if I wanted to stop you. It would have been all too easy."

Snape replies with."Mabye it would be prudent to teach students how to block enemy spells." Lockhart says."An excellent suggestion, Professor Snape. Now, can I get two volunteers? How about Fenton and Macmillan?"

Danny and Ernie walk up to the middle of the dueling arena. And wish each other luck and bow respectfully to each other.

They walk to their places. And the duel starts. And Both open with."Expelliarmus." their spells collide. And after both let go of their spells. Ernie seems to be slightly faster and casts a second Expelliarmus.

Danny thinks quick on his feet and Casts."Protego." Danny's spell deflects the disarming charm made by Ernie, who is shocked. And Danny uses the opening to disarm Ernie with Expelliarmus.

Danny is declared the winner and Helps Ernie up on his feet. Danny says."You almost had me." Ernie says."Congratulations, Danny." they shake hands, and the next pair is summoned to the stage.

"Weasley and Malfoy. to the stage please." Draco and Ron meet each other, with Draco mocking Ron.

They both get in position, and Draco fires a cheap shot. With Ron responding in kind.

Suddenly, Draco yells out."Serpensortia." And A cobra appears on the dueling stage. And Lockhart launches the snake up in the air. The snake comes back down and is Agitated.

It looks around, and it stops near Justin. Danny gently pulls Justin aside and tells him."The snake focuses on you because you are closer to the stage than anyone else." The cobra calms down and is suddenly burned away by Snape.

Justin thanks Danny for the help. And the following days, everything seems to return to normal until one day.

Hermoine runs up to Danny and says. "Danny, it's Justin. He has been attacked by the monster." Danny asks in shock."Is he alive?" Hermoine nods and they visit the hospital wing. Where Danny and Hermoine are greeted by the Hufflepuff students.

Ernie says."They found him and Nearly Headless Nick this morning Frozen like they are petrified." Danny asks."Did anyone see anything?" Ernie shakes his head. Danny says."It seems that all we can do is wait for the Mandrakes to grow."

The Slytherins lose the first match rather badly against the Gryffindors with their new seeker, Ron Weasley shows up with a familiar Nimbus 2000. The Slytherins know they have to swallow their pride and Apologize to Hermoine to get Danny to rejoin the team. and Hopefully salvage the season.

In the following weeks leading up until Christmas, another student is attacked by a first-year named Colin. Meanwhile, Ron, Neville, and Hermoine seem to be convinced that A Slytherin is behind the attacks.

And behind Danny's back they brew a Polyjuice potion so they can question the Slytherins. Hermoine for her part feels awful for keeping Danny out of the loop. And so Do Ron and Neville but they do it this way so as not to put Danny in an impossible situation.

The potion is ready and Ron and Neville head to the slytherin dungeon while having the shape of Crabbe and Goyle Hermoine on the other hand picked the wrong Hair and turned into a cat-like creature.

Ron and Neville find Draco and they ask him."Do you know who is behind the attacks?" Draco says."You know I dont Goyle I told you last night. My father told me that the last time the chamber opened a Mudblood girl died. As for me, I hope the next one to die is Granger." Suddenly a voice says."Would you like to repeat that, Peacock?"

Draco pales, and Danny grabs him and slams him to the wall. Danny says, cooly."For that comment. If anything happens to Hermoine, whether you are guilty or not. I will make you suffer."

Draco Runs off. Danny turns to Neville and Ron and says."Your hair is turning red Crabbe. You might want to go somewhere private before the wrong people start asking the wrong questions."

Ron and Neville run off and Danny thinks to himself. "It's either Lockhart or a first-year student."

The next day Christmas.

Danny opens up his presents. and Gets a communicator with video capabilities he dials home and Jack answers.

"Heya son I see you found the gift. This way they can't read your mail." Danny says. "Hi Dad, how is everything back home?" Jack says."Good It's lonely here during the Holidays without you. Now, what is going on at school, Danny?"

Danny gives a rundown of the mystrious creature that now has attacked a cat and Two students. Vlad walks in and asks."How is the creature called?" Danny says."The monster of Slytherin." Vlad says."It could be a type of snake. After all the Slytherin symbol is a snake."

Danny looks up and says."That makes a lot of sense." Jack says."Can't you just transform and kick its ass like you did with that teacher?" Danny says."This thing whatever it is can stop ghosts just as well as humans. It won't be able to kill me. But it can petrify me."

Maddy walks in as well and says."Then be very careful, Danny." Danny says."Will do that, Mom. And Merry Christmas to all of you." Danny calls Jazz next.

"HI there little brother looks like the twentieth Century has arrived at Hogwarts." Danny laughs and says."Merry Christmas, sis." Danny and Jazz catch up for a while and Danny visits Hermoine in the hospital wing who deeply apologizes for keeping Danny out of the loop.

Danny says its alright and that he has a lead of what the monster is. Hermoine, Ron, and Neville Agree that it makes sense and Hermoine says as soon as she recovers. She will research it in the library.

Valentine's Day.

Danny walks into the great hall when a dwarf stops him dressed like Cupid and asks."Are you Daniel Fenton?" Danny says."Yes, but I have a feeling I wish I was not." The dwarf says."I have a Valentine's message for you." Danny asks."Can we take this outside? this does not need to become public."

Lockhart walks up and says."Nonsense, my boy someone took the time to send you a message alright let's hear it. "

The dwarf begins."Eyes as blue as an ocean. Hair as black as the night. Cunning like a fox. Oh, I wish you were mine."

Danny says embarrassed."Can you tell the person thank you for the message and wish them a happy valentine on my behalf?" The Dwarf nods and walks off.

Danny walks off Furious. And The Slytherins begin talking. Daphne says."Well, I guess we need a new defense teacher soon." Tracy Asks."How do you think Fenton will Kill him?"

Snape walks up and says."Knowing Mr. Fenton. He will do so much worse than Death." Draco says."For once, im glad it's not me."

That night.

Danny says Im going ghost. Danny flies towards Lockhart's room and says."Payback time, Fruitloop."

The next Day.

Everyone is having lunch. And suddenly, the teachers walk in crying with laughter. Behind them, Lockhart is not happy for you see Lockhart no longer has any hair on his head and all of his clothes have been transfigured into Cupid's outfit.

The great hall bursts into laughter especially Fred and George who are wheezing and crying.

In the weeks that follow one more student is attacked and it's getting so bad that all extracurricular events are canceled.

One day Danny, Ron, and Neville are brought to the hospital wing, and are horrorified to see Hermoine frozen in place.

end of chapter.

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