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Karun POV:

My mind swirled around the black rose that disintegrated into nothing.
A sharp shudder passed through my spine making Edward tighten his hand around me.

" It's okay I am here now nothing will hurt you and I won't let anyone do that to my precious one." He carressed my hair lightly. I smiled despite the previous few minutes of my discomfort.

My stomach gurgled again remembering me I forgot my lunch.
It doesn't care about anything unless it is concerned about food. Nice....
Edward chuckled pulling me towards the next door.

" It's my allotted room here. We can stay here for now." He said pulling me into another beautiful room.

" Where is Gabriel?!" I asked him missing him already.

" He is investigating the mishap that happened here. Don't worry he know what he is doing?!" He finished pushing me gently on bed to sit.
He strolled the stroller towards me removing the cloth on it.
There are so much dishes to choose well no one said I need to choose I can eat everything.

I clapped my hand excitedly pulling it towards me.
Edward smiled sitting beside me.

"I heard you don't like non-vegetarians except fish and eggs." Yeah he is right. I don't know eversince my childhood I never liked chicken or mutton... Even though fish smells strong I really love sea foods like prawns crabs 😋. I favour their flavour.

" Yeah I know it sounds strange but yes I really like them." I replied absentmindedly opening the lids to decide what to eat first.
Yeah there is fish curry and fish fry. It goes so good along with rice.
I scooped generous amount of rice on my plate bathing it with curry and mounting it with fish fry.
Mmmm delicioussss.....

I inhaled deeply savouring the aroma of different spices.The tangy smell hits me hard making my mouth water.

I turned towards Edwards pointing towards the dishes to eat.
But he shook his head with smile.
I shrugged focusing on my plate.
I practically devoured my food adding some moan and groan here and there. It taste so good as orgasm I got from my two mates.

" Here taste this omelette." Edward picked the plate putting two omelette on my plate.
It smells so good.
I tore into it moaning at the perfect taste.
" Mmmmm.... This is so gooddd..." I moaned stuffing more into my mouth.
If Edward felt my table manners is worst he never showed it to me. He even smiled at me fondly sometimes suggesting the dish after dish placing it on my plate with care.

" Aren't you disgusted by my table manners. I heard from girls that men like girls who eat less and eat lady like." I mean I will never ever eat like that and I never once used spoon or fork. I like eating with my hand my own spoon and fork.

" That's some immature notion. Actually I love watching you eat like it matters. I saw so many who never treat food like they are not enough to respect it and I saw so many people fight for single piece of bread." He said reminiscing the past.

" Yeah that's me who fought among them." I know what hunger is. I know the pain it gave. That's why I am treasuring each second I eat and thanking God every time I place my hand in the food.

" I am sorry but I assure you that will never happen again. " He promised with determined face.

I stopped looking at him giving my alloted true smile.

" Thank you Edward but I earn enough money by myself so yeah I can take care of myself." I said losing my appetite already.

" Why do you need to work when you have two most wealthy mates in the world even in other world. Let us take care of you My mate." He said kissing my fingers one by one. I squirmed feeling tingles on his touch.

" My past taught me to never trust anyone and believe in their promises because when they fail I am the one who suffer from it. I can't handle that pain anymore." I said thinking back at my broken past. I shook my head frowning at the food. Do I sound ungrateful towards their love?!

" I know I sound like bitch but just when I thought about you both leaving me behind it's so painful 😖 I can't survive it and it's scaring me. I am sorry. Just give me some time." I said looking at his beautiful face. I am already feeling deep for both my mates and that's scaring me.

" We can wait. We have waited for eternity for you and I will never ever leave you and when I do it means I am dead even then I will always be there. Because you are my other half of my soul it's impossible to separate you from us. No one will touch you and get away in single piece." His eyes glowed just by thinking about someone harming me.

And I am swooning at his protectiveness towards me. It's a rare thing to me. No one cared about me and it's both exhilarating and scary.
I sighed already feeling drained fighting internally with my thoughts.

" I am full and tired." I yawned pushing the stroller away.

" Yeah I heard how Gabriel wore you out and he got more time with you than me. I think I need to rectify that. " He said with mischievous smile making my eyes widen at him.
I squeezed my thighs gulping heavily.
Oh mannn....
I just stared at his face unable to look away.

" Can I touch your face?!?" I asked looking away shyly.
His face brightens with surprise and excitement.

" With pleasure." He said leaning towards me eagerly. I chuckled at his eagerness and he shrugged sheepishly.

I touched his cheek caressing it with atmost care. He leaned into my touch sighing and closing his eyes. I smiled unable to control my emotions anymore. My eyes teared. It's the second time first being Gabriel someone yearned for my love and it's so overwhelming.
He opened his eyes on hearing my sniffing.
His eyes glowed mildly which made his appearance so ethereal I stared with awe.

" SO BEAUTIFUL!!!" I whispered touching under his eyes tracing his long eyelashes which fluttered making me pull away with giggle. They remembered me of butterflies.
He smiled looking at me with longing.

" Sorry I can't kiss you with my fishy breath." I said shrugging pulling away.

" And do I look like I care. Come here My mate." He pulled me towards him claiming my mouth.
I hesitated at first but when his mouth molded with mine I melted against him pulling him towards me.

After some heated moment he pulled away.

" Sleep now because tomorrow morning is my day." He said pulling me towards him covering both of us with blanket.

My thoughts drifted to Gabriel and I looked at window with longing.
The longing howl echoed making me sigh and sink deeper into Edward losing myself into lala land.

The longing howl echoed making me sigh and sink deeper into Edward losing myself into lala land

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