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Karun POV:


I gasped opening my eyes alarmed. My body groaned in pain when I moved to get up..

" It's okay... Lay down for a bit." A smooth chittering voice carried from my right to left ears.

" Vedha..." My voice screeched like rusty nail... My tounge felt like paper weight from dehydration.

" Water..." I croaked which upsets my throat making me double over in cough...Dry cough...Ugh....

Where is Edward?! I want his magic ...

" Iam here Darling. Don't fret." Edwards voice filled my senses making me let out a relieved sigh.

" Is Gabriel okay?!" I panicked when I didn't hear him near me.

" He is okay. Relax. He is now in the council." Edward said gently carresing my cheeks.

" What's happening?! .... What happened?!" I said slowly unable to comprehend what's happening. My brain felt like Chinese noodles in hot water for so long.

" Everything is fine as you are well enough to croak." Edward said patting my cheek.

" That's unattractive of me." I grumbled throwing a glare at him.

" I will always find you attractive even with your bird nest hair, croaky voice, Pale face, eyebag , dark circles...."

He goes on with list. When he turned towards me he shut his trap on seeing my glare.

" Uhhh.... I mean.... You are beautiful..." He smiled nervously kissing my forehead.

" I think I understand." I nodded grinning at him. " But I am sore. Can you...uh ....use your magic to heal me just like before." Even before I finish my words his magic shimmered tendrils extending to reach me but Edward hissed making it back away from me.

That hurts . ....

" No...no.. Don't look at me like that. I have already used so much magic on you. It's not good for you. Magic is like medicine. Overdose is possible." He pointed out making me pout.

" Okay." I sighed closing my eyes.

" Can I have chocolate bun?!" I asked my eyes expanding trying to create puppy dog eyes.

" Oh sure." Edward exclaimed his lips opening in playful grin.
That's refreshing...
I tried to get up but winced slightly at the prickly pain but I am tired of feeling weak. So I decided to ignore the pain and get out of the bed much to Edwards disapproval but he know when to interrupt so he just frowned but decided to shut up.
I got out of the bed swinging my hands and legs to relieve the pain.

" You are still healing." Vedha squeaked looking at me in disapproval.

" It's okay." I shrugged pulling Edward into shower with mischievous smirk on my face.
He bit his lips his eyebrows quirked up.

" I missed you." I stated closing the door with bang then pushing him against it with thud.

" I see." He grinned pulling me towards him shredding my clothes in progress. His magic enveloped us in protective shimmer making me shiver pleasantly.

" What do you want to do now?" He asked with mischievous smile his eyes glowing brightly with lust.

" I want to do ... You." I slurred in a seductive voice making his eye darken further.

" With pleasure." His pitch lowered finishing with a slight growl.

He attacked my lips pulling into tub. Warm water filled around us which seems to relax my tensed muscle.

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