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Karun POV:

I informed My mates that I am going to a nearby garden for some time to relax. They argued that they are going to accompany me but I glared at them saying they are control freaks which made them freak out.
After some convincing from my side and threatening them made them allow me out.
I can understand they are scared about my safety but I can't live like that. Confinement is not my forte.
I sat at the same table where Gabriel touched me first. So much have changed since I met him. I chuckled on thinking how much doI freaked out when he cornered me. Now we are so comfortable with each other's touch.

I have to meet Durga again and ask what's the meaning behind the message. My mind swirled around the black rose and the warning.
How to meet her again?! Should I have to sleep again in Gabriel's magic bathtub.

I startled when I heard the sudden squeaky scream near me.
What the hell?! Who's making this sound?!
I swirled around listening intently and when I heard it again I crouched to the ground and crawled towards the sound.

" Who is making the sound ?! Hello...." I asked sharpening my senses.

That's when I saw a small human figure with wings whimpering in pain. I just know that's the one. That fairy is trapped between a tree trunk with vine tangled around it.
I sat before the tree trying to release it . The vine must be so tight and I wonder how it caught between it.

" Hello?! Don't cry I will get you out okay!!" I said in a small voice but enough for the fairy to hear it .
It looked up at me sniffing and wiping her eyes. She blinked her whole body shaking with her hiccup.

Oh my... My eyes teared on it's own.

" Oh .... My queen..." It said in a squeaky voice with small smile.
Her eyes glittered with tears and hope.

" I came to see you.... But...." She shrugged looking at the vine around her.

" Let me untangle you first then we shall talk okay!" I said with small smile and turned my attention towards the vine.
It's so tight around her I can't just pull it or snap it. It will hurt her for sure. I searched around for something sharp and the rock near the bush is looking great for that.

Okay.... I picked it and turned towards the fairy with encouraging smile. She smiled nodding at me to continue.
Using my strength I hacked at the vine without shaking it too much to not to create friction on fairy.
It's really thin so it unravelled at my second strike.

Fairy limped and I catch her before she fell down. I lifted my hand and watched the fairys small body huddled inside my palm.

" Are you okay?!" I asked my heart breaking at her painful face.

She tried to fly but I noticed her wings are slightly rumpled which made the task impossible.
She squeaked falling into my palm again.

" Oh my... Let me take care of you." I cooed placing her inside my shirt pocket.

" Take rest." I said smiling at drifting fairy.

My heart pained at the injured fairy and I promised those who hurt her is going to pay for this. Oh my Tinkerbell !!!!!
How can someone hurt those cute creatures?! I narrowed my eyes searching for some evidence.....
Something black got my attention...
What do I got here?!

I squat instead of bending clutching my shirt fearing what if the fairy fell down. I picked up the black thing and find that it is black raven feather...

I narrowed my eyes focusing on the feather twirling it.

Is that a Raven?!

I pocketed it in my Jean and rushed towards my cottage and searched for something small .... Some sort of Box....
Opening my last draw I found some shoe box which is small but enough for the fairy. I dusted it and cut the cotton handkerchief as blanket and decided maybe buy something later for it.

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