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Karun POV:

Is this said restaurant is in moon?! Or Their whatever home planet?!
Because we are traveling for ages and I lost count of hours since I am busy concentrating on my orgasms.

Damn this Men literally followed their promises and as they promised Edward gave me five and other five by Gabriel in the damn car.

Right now I am still floating high in euphoria and My mates wore smug smiles on their face and their eyes glowed mildly pointing that they are rather very happy and I am disheaveled.... still completely satiated. My throat is raw from my screams and my legs are achy with how they are curled around their shoulders.

" Am I apologised for my actions Karun." Gabriel asked with a secret smile lingering on his lips.

That smug idiot.

" Whatever Gabriel 😏.. and I can't understand why Edward has to accompany your parody in making me cum. " I grumbled when my clit pulsed after getting assaulted for this long.

" Well I can't allow Gabriel to suffer alone with his punishment so I simply decided to aid him." Edward smiled licking his lips releasing with it a wet pop.

" How sweet of you?! But I haven't complained about the punishment. I actually like being punished like that. Next time I don't need your help Wizard." Gabriel grumbled throwing me a side glance.

" What???!! There is no next time." I screeched getting up slowly leaning on the plush seat.

" Sometimes I feel you guys like my pussy more than me" I gritted out.

" Well that sweet lips are on your body which is yours so we like you too." Gabriel said like it's the most logical thing in the world.

I snorted at the idiots logic. Can I just lit fire to his theory?!

With a sigh I looked out observing the passing views of buildings. Edward pulled my legs gently on his lap and massaged it. His hands simmered and  the glowing light travelled towards my upper body upto my hair with tingling sensation then disappeared just like that.
I looked at Edward with wide eyes 😲 blinking.
This is first time I ever saw he use 🪄 magic.

" Do you have wand like Harry Potter?!" I asked waving my hand like Harry Potter.

" No dear but we do have signature animals who acts as a wand and we draw energy from them just like... wand." He said carresing my legs.
Just when I thought to ask so many question regarding that the car stopped.

" Later." I pointed at him opening the door but it shut even before it opened completely.
I raised my brow at Edward who signalled towards Gabriel.

He rounded towards my door opening it. He held my hand softly allowing me to get out.
Such a gentleman.

Edward waited near the other side and we joined him. They both stood on my either side slightly pushing towards some building. Something feels different.... Yeah the pain and knots in my muscles are gone. Not only that I feel so refreshing unlike before.

" You used your magic to heal me?!" I asked smiling at Edward already knowing the answer.

" But once you said you never like using it for silly things." I asked stretching my renewed limbs.

" You are my everything. My purpose of life. My soul. When it comes to you there is nothing called silly. If I can't use my magic for you then it's existence is for nothing." He said kissing my lips softly before kissing my forehead.

" Gabriel will do the same. Our happiness depends on your happiness." Edward finished looking at Gabriel.

My eyes teared . I averted my eyes away from my Beautiful mates before focusing on the building.
It's a small restaurant actually it's a seafood restaurant.

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