Jay Halstead - Baby pt1

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A/N: Heyy!! I think this is going to be a mini series, maybe between 1-3 parts about Jay and Y/N getting pregnant.
But lmk if you want a full series just including the pregnancy and labour as a whole!! <3

TW: mentions difficulties trying to conceive

Y/N and Jay had been married for a few years now. They got married quite young, so kids weren't really at the top of their agenda for either of them until recently. Whenever she and Jay would go out, Jay would often catch Y/N staring at babies and he could see her eyes light up. Jay had always wanted to have children but now he feels certain that he and Y/N are in the same boat, prompting a conversation when they got home from their weekly Sunday walk in the park.

"Hey honey, do you think we could talk about something?" Asked Jay from the living room, whilst Y/N was in the kitchen.
"Yes of course babe, just a second," she replied.

Y/N came in and sat next to Jay on the couch but he was quick to pull her towards him so she was sat across his lap. She squealed at the sudden action, laughing and wrapping her arms around his neck.

"Hey babe," she giggled.
"Hi," he smiled and placed a kiss on her forehead. She returned the action, placing a few kisses on his lips.

"So what was it you wanted to talk about?" She asked with a big grin across her face.
"Well I wanted to know... what would you think about us, maybe... having a baby?" Jay asked nervously. "It's just, I've seen the way you look at babies and children when we're out and we're... I think we're ready, I know it'll be a lot and with our jobs and money but I really want kids but it's fine if—"

Jay was abruptly cut off by Y/N pressing her lips against his and nodding with tears in her eyes.
"Jay, I think we're finally ready! Let's have a baby!"

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