Jay Halstead - Baby pt3

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A/N: omg I'm actually so upset as I wrote this part ages ago and accidentally deleted the draft!! I wanted to cry😭

Y/N was in the kitchen cooking dinner when Jay got home; she was distracted and Jay could tell as soon as he walked in.
Y/N didn't even hear her husband come in and she only realised he was there when he wrapped his arms around her as she faced the stove, giving her a slight scare but she settled into him and the two of them just stayed like that for a while.
"Hi baby, how are you feeling now?" Asked Jay with his chin on Y/N's shoulder. 
"Hmm? What did you say babe? How was work?"
"Were you not listening to me? You seem distracted, is everything okay?"

Y/N knew she had to speak to Jay now so she turned off the stove and led him to the dining table and they sat down opposite each other. Y/N took Jay's hands from across the table.
"Yeah, sorry, I've been thinking... a lot today. The sickness and the fatigue and I got really nauseous in the grocery store earlier," Y/N started.
"Do you feel better now?" Jay asked.
"A little but I'm really tired. It all just got me thinking... what if I'm pregnant? I was going to take a test earlier but I really didn't want to face the heartache of it possibly being negative so I was too scared and wanted to wait for you before I did it..."
"Do you want to go and take a test now?"
Y/N nodded and Jay lead her up the stairs, holding her hand.

She took three tests and placed them all face down in the bathroom and set the timer; it was all a waiting game now. Jay perched on the edge of the bathtub whilst Y/N was pacing all around, she couldn't sit still.
Soon enough, the timer went off which made Y/N jump.
Jay stood and up and went and joined Y/N in front of the sink.
"I can't do it," said Y/N.
"You can baby, we'll do it together, okay?"
Y/N took a deep breath in.
"Okay. Together," she said.
Jay grabbed 2 of the tests and Y/N grabbed one, all the tests still facing down.
"3...2...1," they both said at the same time.

They flipped the tests over.


The couple looked at each other and gasped; Y/N burst into tears and Jay was quick to wrap his arms around her, tears also streaming down his face.

"Baby you're pregnant!" He whispered.
"Finally, I can't believe this," she replied, still crying.
The two stayed in each other's embrace, overjoyed that they were finally having a baby!

The celebrated that night by having an at home date night with the food Y/N cooked earlier and a movie; they were cuddled up together wrapped up in fluffy blankets and Jay caressed Y/N's stomach the whole time, still not believing there was a baby in there.

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