Jay Halstead - Heartache

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A/N: This is really sad and I'm not sure why I wrote it but there's loads of fluff in here. Apologies it's also really really long too.

TW: miscarriage, mentions of blood and sickness/nausea

Jay and Y/N had been together for almost 10 years and married for 7. They had 2 beautiful boys, Jackson and Alvin (named after Olinsky) aged 8 and 5, and they had recently found out they were expecting their third baby!
Y/N had experienced morning sickness quite early on in this pregnancy - at around 3 weeks - but her and Jay waited another 5 weeks when her tiny bump was visible before they told the boys. They were both so excited to have a baby sibling they could both look after.

It was 2 weeks later and Y/N was now 10 weeks along; the morning sickness was still quite bad but she was home all day as it was a Saturday. Sadly, Jay was at work so he couldn't help her manage the boys today.
Her sickness was relieved at around 10am so she spent the rest of the day with Jackson and Alvin, playing games with them outside, taking them for a walk and whilst they played with their toys, she was doing chores. All day she felt a little abdominal cramping, yet she brushed it off as she thought it was her body preparing to change for the pregnancy.

Jay came home just as they were about to eat dinner so after eating, he got the boys showered and ready for bed to give his very tired wife a well deserved break. During this time, Y/N cleaned up and whilst washing up she felt the cramps getting worse and they soon became almost unbearable. Jay came downstairs after putting the boys to bed to find Y/N doubled over, groaning in pain, leaning on the counter whilst clutching her lower stomach. Jay ran over to his wife, gently placing a hand on her back.

"Baby, baby talk to me, are you okay?!"
Y/N could barely speak, she just groaned and cried in pain.
"Cramping, really bad Jay," she managed to get out.
"I'm going to take you to the hospital, but let me help you sit and I'll call Voight to stay with the boys; they're both fast asleep."
All Y/N could do was nod her head and groan as Jay helped her to a chair. The pain hadn't eased, it had only gotten worse and she now had her head on the table, crying.
Jay quickly phoned Voight - one of the only people who knew about the pregnancy.

"Hey Sarge, it's an emergency, do you mind coming here to stay with the boys? I need to take Y/N to the hospital, something's really wrong!"
"I'm on my way Halstead, I'll blue light my way to yours, see you in 10," Voight said on the phone.
"Thanks Sarge, see you."

Jay went back over to Y/N and rubbed her back.
"Baby, Voight is coming to stay with the boys so I can take you to the hospital, I'll blue light us there as it'll be faster than an ambulance," said Jay, trying to distract his wife from the pain she was feeling.
Deep down, he knew what might be happening but he didn't want to make Y/N stress or feel even worse.

After what felt like forever for Jay and Y/N, Voight finally arrived and Jay and Voight helped Y/N to the car. Jay blue lighted them to med in his truck. He kept talking to Y/N on the way, assuring her she'll be fine.
He also phoned Will to give him a heads up that he and Y/N were on their way in. Suddenly, Y/N stopped groaning and Jay saw her eyes roll back as she eventually passed out from the pain. Jay couldn't get to med fast enough; he had tears in his eyes as he frantically drove through Chicago.

When he finally got to med, he didn't even park, he pulled up in the ambulance bay and picked up Y/N and ran her straight into the ED, where Will and Nat were waiting for them.
"She passed out in the car just after I got off the phone with you," said a frantic Jay as he followed Will and Nat into a treatment room and placed Y/N on the bed.
The ultrasound was already prepared for them and unfortunately it confirmed the news Jay had been dreading.
"The pregnancy is ectopic, I'm so sorry Jay," said his brother.
"It should've been detected earlier than this but the pain Y/N felt was it rupturing. We need to rush her into the OR then administer a blood transfusion," said Nat.

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