Matt Casey - Sick Family

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A/N: I am really struggling with writers block so please leave your suggestions in the comments! <3
I have a cold rn so ig that's my inspiration for this piece x

TW: nausea, vomiting

Y/N and Matt had been married for almost 6 years and they had 2 kids, their son Shae who was 3 and their daughter Addy who was 2.

Addy had been sick - throwing up with a temperature - and Matt was on shift so Y/N was left to deal with a sick child and a very hyperactive toddler all alone. She was counting down the hours until Matt would be home since she was starting to get a bit of a heavy head and felt nauseous too. She's not surprised she has caught Addy's bug, as tending to a sick 2 year old meant lots of cuddles all day on the sofa. To say Y/N was exhausted was an understatement and it didn't help that Shae wasn't at daycare since it was a weekend.

Finally, to Y/N's relief, Matt came home. He was met with an energetic 3 year old running at his legs and a very messy house.
"Hey my baby, how was your day? Where's mommy and your sister?" He asked his toddler as he picked him up.
"Addy sick. Mommy with Addy in there," he replied pointing to the living room.
Matt walked through the mess to the living room carrying his son, where he was met with a very tired looking Y/N who was lying on the sofa with their 2 year old asleep on her chest.
"Hi babe," said Matt.
"Hey," Y/N responded. "Addy's sick and I'm pretty sure I'm gonna get what she's got. My head is pounding and I feel really nauseous," she whispered, trying not to wake her sick daughter.
"Aww babe," Matt replied, placing a hand on his wife's forehead. "You've got a bit of a temperature. Here's what we'll do; I'll take Addy up to her bed and call Stella and Kelly to take this monster here so I can look after you and Addy."
"Sounds great, thanks babe," she responded with a slight smile.
Matt put Shae down with some of his toys and retrieved the sleeping toddler from his wife's arms.
"I'll be back in 5," said Matt. He bent down and kissed his wife's forehead as she shut her eyes.
He called Kelly and Stella who were happy to take their 'nephew' out for the day. They'd get to Matt and Y/N's in 30 minutes.

"Shae, baby," Y/N beckoned her son over to her. "Uncle Kelly and Aunt Stella are gonna come and pick you up and take you to the park! Does that sound fun?" Y/N asked her son.
"Yay Uncle Kelly and Aunt Tella!" Shae said excitedly.
Matt soon came down with the baby monitor so Y/N could keep an eye on Addy whilst Matt got Shae changed before Kelly and Stella arrived.
As soon as they headed upstairs, Y/N had to run to the bathroom to empty the contents of her stomach. She felt awful and ended up staying there for a few minutes with her head resting on the cool tiles. Matt came down and called for her and she alerted him she was in the bathroom. He got to the bathroom and saw the state of his wife. Pale, eyes shut and head leaning against the cool tiles.
"Aw babe, have you been sick?" Matt asked.
"Mhm and I'm burning up and have no energy," Y/N responded.
"Come on," said Matt handing Y/N his hands to help lift her up. "Kelly and Stella will be here any minute to get Shae and I've just given him a snack so that'll be enough time to get you into bed," he said.
Y/N grabbed Matt's hands and he helped her up and walked her to their bedroom grabbing the baby monitor to keep an eye on Addy.
He got her in bed with a bucket and a cold cloth across her forehead and then Kelly and Stella arrived to take Shae.

Shae was now with Kelly and Stella and Matt decided to bring a sick Addy who was now awake to his and Y/N's bed. Y/N threw up twice before falling asleep with her head resting on Matt's lap whilst cuddling Addy who fell back to sleep. Matt was stroking Y/N's hair, soothing her to sleep.

When Addy woke up an hour later, she was full of energy, which then woke Y/N up. She was still feeling really ill and proceeded to throw up again in the bucket. Matt took Addy downstairs and got Y/N some water to soothe her aching throat. He hoped his wife was able to fall back to sleep.

Kelly and Stella soon returned with Shae and offered to stay for a while and help tidy and look after Addy too so Matt could tend to Y/N. Matt appreciated this so much so he went back up to the bedroom to check on Y/N. He saw the sick bucket was full so he emptied and cleaned it just in case Y/N was sick again. He also topped up his wife's water and got back into bed with her. His movements made Y/N stir and she was sick in the bucket again.

"Ugh," she groaned, as Matt rubbed her back and held her hair back. "I can't do this anymore!" She laid her head back in Matt's lap closing her eyes.
"I know babe, I know, just try to sleep if you can," Matt replied as he stroked her hair. "Don't worry about the kids as well; Addy is fine now and Kelly and Stella both offered to watch the kids for the rest of the day."
"That's one less thing to worry about," said Y/N, feeling relieved.

After lots of tossing and turning, Matt finally heard the soft snores coming from his wife. It was 7pm and he was hoping she'd sleep until at least 10pm. He went down to relieve Kelly and Stella from babysitting and made some dinner for him, Kelly, Stella and the kids. Once they had eaten, Kelly and Stella left and Matt bathed the kids and got them ready for bed.
"Where's mommy?" Asked Shae.
"Mommy's still sick so she's in bed," replied Matt.
"Mommy cuddles," demanded Addy.
"We'll have to see if she's awake baby. Let's finish changing and then we'll check."

Matt changed the kids and had them both in his hands as he quietly entered the master bedroom.
"Hey," said a very quiet Y/N, just waking up from her sleep.
"Hey babe, how are you feeling?"
"A little better thanks, no longer feeling nauseous thank god!"
"I've got 2 little monsters who want some mommy cuddles," Matt said, placing them on the bed, either side of Y/N.
"Hi my babies, I'm sorry I've been sick today," said Y/N.
"It's okay mommy," replied Shae.
"Did you have fun with Aunt Stella and Uncle Kelly?"
"Yes! We played with toys and went to the park," said Shae.

Y/N and Matt cuddled their babies until they fell asleep. She had a little more energy so her and Matt carried them both to bed and went to sleep themselves. They were both exhausted after their very long day.

A/N: idk why this is so long but I think it's really cute! <3

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