Kelly Severide - Personal Heater

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A/N: Hey! Sorry I forgot to post yesterday! This is just a cute little one shot. Hope you enjoy! <3

To say it was cold in Chicago was an understatement and weren't the firefighters and paramedics at Firehouse 51 feeling it!

Kelly and his paramedic girlfriend Y/N were snuggled up together on the sofa watching TV in the firehouse when the bells went off calling for Ambulance 61. So Y/N and Gabby rushed out, Y/N reluctant to leave the warm embrace of her boyfriend.

The call was for a young kid who fell into a frozen lake and was clearly hypothermic. Y/N instinctively shed some of her many layers to help the kid warm up a little but now she was freezing cold. After dropping the kid off at med, Y/N had gotten her layers back but they were soaking wet so she had to rely on the heater in the ambo to warm up. By the time her and Gabby were back at the house, Y/N was still cold and shivering.

The paramedics walked into the warm building and Y/N immediately went to Kelly, still shivering like mad.

"Honey are you okay, you're freezing and shivering like mad," asked a concerned Kelly, wrapping an arm around Y/N.
"I— I h—had to sh— shed my l— layers to give t—to the—the kid and n—now they're soaked," spoke a dithering Y/N.
"Let's go to my office, I have an extra heater and we can snuggle up in bed. I'll put your layers in the washer for you. I'll be there in a bit," he said planting a kiss on Y/N's forehead. 
"Ok—kay, love you, als—so hurry up as I'm f—f—freezing!" She replied, making her way to Kelly's office.

In no time, Kelly came and joined Y/N in the bed and she immediately snuggled up into him, both wrapping their arms around each other.
"You're still so cold Y/N," commented Kelly.
"I know but you're making me so much warmer; you're like my personal heater, I love it! Please don't move."
Y/N fell asleep shortly after, feeling so much warmer, but she was rudely awoken by the alarms calling for Ambulance 61.
"Ugh, I'm so warm and comfortable here, I don't want to leave and get cold now," she groaned as she got out of bed.
"Well, I got you your spare layers so you don't freeze this time. And... when you come back, we'll snuggle here again," said Kelly.
"Ah thank you babe, you're the best you know," she responded, leaving a quick peck on his lips.
"Be safe, I love you!" He shouted as she ran to the app floor.
"I love you too," she replied.

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