Kelly Severide - Vacation Days

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A/N: is anyone else itching for a stellaride baby rn? I am and they need to hurry up and have one!! This one shot is manifesting Kelly Severide as a father!!
Enjoy <3

"Good morning my baby girl," cooed Kelly Severide as he lifted up his 4-month old daughter, Lizzie, from her travel cot. "Shall we go and wake up your brothers?" He asked as he gently tiptoed out of the room in their villa so to not wake up his wife of 9 years, Y/N.
Kelly carried his daughter to his 7 year old twin boys' (Benny and Shae) room and much to his surprise, they were already awake and on their iPads - typical.
"Good morning you 2 monsters!"
"Dad!" They both shouted, getting out of bed, running towards their dad and baby sister.
"Be careful boys, don't wake mommy up, we're gonna let her sleep in whilst we go get breakfast so go get ready," Kelly instructed after leaving each of them a kiss on their foreheads.
The boys went to get ready whilst Kelly went back to him and Y/N's room and got Lizzie all ready in her vacation gear, a little peach dress with flowers on it. Whilst he was changing her diaper, he saw Y/N stir a little before he heard a quiet, "Good morning babe," from his wife. Kelly smiled and went over with Lizzie and sat next to Y/N on the bed, "Good morning beautiful," he said, planting a kiss on her lips and her forehead. "Did we wake you up?"
"No not really; why?"
"We wanted to let you sleep whilst we got breakfast."
"Aww that's so sweet of you babe, thank you," she said still half asleep.
"You sleep for another hour and we'll be back okay?"
"Okay babe, thank you," she yawned, Kelly placing a kiss on her forehead before she turned over again.

An hour or so later, after a messy breakfast filled with lots of nonsensical chatter, giggles and a round of spit up from Lizzie all over Kelly's clean shirt, 4 out of the 5 Severide's made their way back to the villa to see mama Severide who was awake and ready to lounge around the resort all day.
They walked in, spit up all over Kelly and Lizzie, Nutella down Benny's shirt and crumbs on Shae.
"Wow wow wow what happened to you guys?!" Chuckled Y/N when she saw her beautiful family.
"Mom!" Shouted Shae as he ran towards her, Benny following behind. She kissed her 2 boys on the head and then took her baby girl off of her husband.
"We had a round of spit up from Miss Lizzie here and daddy got the remnants on his shirt, somebody tripped and fell on to his Nutella pancake and someone else was just very messy," explained Kelly, the twins laughing as their dad was explaining.
"Aww at least you guys had fun right?"
"Yeah we did mom!" Answered Shae.
"Good good, I'm glad. I'll get Lizzie changed again and you guys can get cleaned up. Do you wanna go to kids club, our pool or the big pool?" She asked the twins.
"Big pool!" They both answered.
"Okay then! Babe, do you mind taking them to change and I'll pack some stuff for the main pool?" Y/N asked her husband.
"Of course baby, 20 minutes?"

20 minutes later, the Severide's were all ready for the day (again). Y/N was in a lilac one piece with her Prada sunglasses (a gift from Kelly when they found out she was pregnant with Lizzie) and Kelly couldn't get over how amazing his wife looked only 4 months postpartum. Kelly and the boys were in matching trunks which Y/N insisted they needed when booking this vacation and Lizzie was matching her mom in a lilac swimsuit, tiny sunglasses and a white bucket hat, asleep in Y/N's arms.
"Sun cream guys," she reminded Kelly and the boys, handing the bottles to them. They quickly put on their suncream and they were about to leave their villa.
"I'll carry her baby," said Kelly, grabbing the baby carrier and putting it on.
"Thank you babe," Y/N responded, handing Lizzie to Kelly. The family of 5 then made the short walk to the main pool, Benny and Shae a few steps ahead of their parents who were walking hand in hand down to the pool.

They got settled across a few sun loungers and the boys got in the pool straight away. They were both confident swimmers so Kelly and Y/N weren't too concerned. Y/N and Kelly wanted to sunbathe so that's what they did, Y/N lay with a sleeping Lizzie on her chest relaxing under the sun whilst Kelly went to get some drinks for his family.

An hour or so later, Lizzie woke up from her nap crying and wanting a feed; Kelly was in the pool with the boys; he was in the water whilst the boys were jumping off the side for Kelly to catch them. Y/N decided to be brave and breast feed Lizzie at the pool - they were using mixture of formula and breast milk for her. She covered herself up and Lizzie latched straight on; no one really batted an eye and Kelly was admiring his wife whilst he was in the pool. Not long after, Lizzie was done and she had been burped. The boys wanted to swim with their little sister so Y/N put on Lizzie's life jacket and carefully handed her over to Kelly who held her and dipped her little feet into the water; she began giggling which was the cutest sight; Y/N made sure to take loads of pictures of her little family. She lounged some more in the sun before going to grab a snack since she missed breakfast.

The boys were begging for their mum to come in the pool so Y/N and Kelly switched places, Kelly taking Lizzie with him, letting her wriggle around on the sun bed whilst Y/N played with the boys, giving them piggy backs and swim races - which she lost every time.
After lunch, the family decided to go back to their villa and use their smaller pool. Lizzie had a nap in her rocker out on the terrace in the sun whilst the other 4 played together in the pool.
Mom and Shae vs Dad and Benny at pool-basketball, Y/N and Kelly both subtly letting out their competitive sides towards each other. In the end it was Y/N and Shae who were victorious and Kelly and Benny who had to do a forfeit for being the losers which for Benny, was to change Lizzie's poopy diaper when she woke up. And for Kelly... that was for Y/N to decide without the boys present 😏 but Kelly also had to wash all the dirty dishes for a week when they got home.

Y/N wanted to sunbathe again so she did so with Lizzie on her chest whilst her boys played in the little pool. She looked down at her daughter and at her 3 handsome boys and smiled, grateful for the wonderful life her and Kelly had built together.

A/N: By the time this has posted, I will have landed back home after my week long vacation which inspired me to write this one shot. Hope you enjoyed!! <3

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