Jay Halstead - Food Poisoning

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A/N: requested by @hello1234577564 - "Y/N looking after food poisoning Jay"
Enjoy! <3

TW: Mentions sick, vomiting, nausea - stomach bugs/food poisoning in general.

It was a rare moment for Jay and Y/N cuddled up together on a Saturday morning rather than Jay being at work. He worked in intelligence, whereas Y/N worked as a lawyer with a 9-5 job so a weekend where both of them were off was rare! Y/N lay with her head on Jay's chest running her hand up and down his toned abs whilst he ran his hands through her hair. They savoured moments like these because in just over 5 months, they'd be welcoming their new baby into the world.

They were just embracing the moment and all was calm until Jay felt his stomach churn and got the sudden urge to throw up. He jumped out of bed and darted to the bathroom, Y/N following right behind him. He emptied the contents of his stomach, Y/N rubbing his back as he threw up into the toilet.
Once he was done, he was sweating and had to lean his head against the cool tiles of the bathroom, his stomach was also throbbing.
"Babe... what happened...? Is it food poisoning?" asked his girlfriend.
"I think it was the seafood from last night, lucky Will ordered steak" he replied, clutching his stomach.
"Aw Jay," she replied sympathetically, placing a hand on his forehead. "You're burning up, I think you have a fever. Let me get you back into bed with a cold compress."

Y/N helped her sick boyfriend up and led him to the bedroom helping him get under the covers, which he proceeded to shove off himself as he was too hot.
"Here babe," Y/N said handing him a cold compress for him to place on his forehead. "Keep this with you; I'm going to get some supplies from downstairs and I'll be back as quick as I can. Love you."
"Thanks baby, love you too," replied Jay weakly, shutting his eyes.

Y/N rushed to find a sick bowl in case Jay needed throw up again, some water and a Pedialyte popsicle her and Jay had in the freezer from her morning sickness. She gathered her supplies and made her way back upstairs to her boyfriend who was in the same position as she left him, groaning from the discomfort his stomach was in.
"Hey babe," she said as she got back into the bed - the supplies on her bedside table. She patted her lap, "come lay here," she suggested.
Jay slowly moved so his head was on Y/N's lap. She held the wet cloth against his head and stroked his hair in an attempt to soothe him to sleep but Jay suddenly threw up in the bowl. After a few sips of water he managed to fall asleep but only for 20 minutes until he awoke and threw up again in the bowl Y/N held in front of his face. Again, she soothingly rubbed his back until he was done. Once he'd finished, he lay his head back on his pillow whilst Y/N emptied the bowl in the bathroom. She came back, "Jay I need to you to try and drink some water and have this pedialyte popsicle," she said handing him the water, getting back into bed. He had small sips of water and sucked on the popsicle, still leaning on Y/N, conscious of not harming the baby, whilst she stroked his hair.

He finished the popsicle and decided to try and go to sleep again. He subconsciously shifted so he was now lying on his pillow. Y/N decided to change the bowl to a bucket she found in a cupboard and placed it next to Jay's side of the bed. Not only was it in a convenient spot for Jay but it also meant fewer trips for Y/N to empty and change it. Jay was still asleep so Y/N decided to clean the house, have some lunch and start looking at baby things online.

After shopping for almost 3 hours and compiling an Amazon basket of over $300 worth of baby things, she heard Jay retching and rushed up to him, making sure to grab another popsicle for him. He officially had no food left in his system and was essentially dry heaving into the bucket on the side of the bed. She handed her boyfriend his water to rinse the taste out of his mouth and Jay sat up leaning against the headboard, closing his eyes.
"Babe, I'm so sorry you're feeling like this," said Y/N as she cuddled into his side.
"Thank you baby," he said, sipping his water after. He placed his large hand on Y/N's very small baby bump and they both smiled and Y/N yawned. "I'm sorry I've put you through this too, I know how tired you've been recently."
"Don't be silly babe, why are you apologising for being sick, it's not your fault," she replied, ruffling his hair. "Here, have another pedialyte popsicle and we'll try some food in a couple hours if you're able to keep this down." Y/N handed Jay the popsicle and he slowly ate it, one hand still on Y/N's baby bump.

She grabbed the TV remote and turned on Netflix. "What do you fancy watching?" She asked.
"I don't mind, up to you baby," he said.
"Hmm okay then," she smiled, finding Friends and putting it on.
She snuggled into Jay's side exhausted from her day so far, he wrapped an arm around her and slowly finished his popsicle. He was still tired so decided to try and sleep again for a few more hours. Y/N continued watching Friends until Jay woke up sweating profusely.
He kicked the duvet off and stripped so he was only in his boxers. Y/N panicked and quickly grabbed him another cold compress to place on his forehead and opened the window to let the breeze in. She also ran to get Jay some ice water and brought it up to him.
"Babe, you feeling any better?" She asked.
"Still hot," he responded.
She gave him the ice water and he took a few sips.
"Maybe you should have a cold shower," suggested Y/N. "Come on." She offered Jay her hands and helped pull him up and led him to the bathroom.
He was only in his boxers so he took them off and stood under the cold water in the shower, whilst Y/N got him a clean change of underwear and sat on the toilet seat, hoping he would get some relief from this.
He was soon finished and much to both their relief, Jay was feeling a little better. He was still pretty exhausted and weak but the sweating and fever had calmed a little and they were sure he was over the vomiting.

It was now 7:30pm and Y/N was feeling hungry, whereas Jay wasn't. She was hoping he'd be able to stomach a little bit of food before going to sleep tonight just to line his stomach. She decided to heat up some soup and just see if she could tempt Jay with a small bowl. Jay had now migrated to the living room and lay on the sofa with the window open. Y/N brought in the food on a tray for her and Jay. Jays bowl had significantly less soup than hers did.
"Babe I need you to eat please. Get something in your stomach if you can, even if it's just a cracker or two. And if you can, try and eat the soup, it's chicken noodle," said Y/N.
Jay groaned, scared of throwing up again but he reluctantly ate a few crackers and had a couple spoons of soup before declaring his was done and lay back down on the sofa.
"Babe you're still really weak, do you want another popsicle?"
"Yes please, but finish your soup first baby," he answered, head resting against the back of the couch.
Once Y/N had finished her soup, she grabbed Jay another popsicle, washed up and found an energy drink for Jay which would hopefully have him feeling better by the morning.
He ate the popsicle and had a few sips of the energy drink and watched some TV for a bit while Y/N showered and changed their sheets.
She came back down and joined her boyfriend on the couch.
"Are you feeling better babe?"
"Yeah I am a little. Thank you for looking after me today. I love you and our little bean so much," he said, placing a hand on Y/N's bump.
"We love you too," she responded. "I'm so happy you're feeling better."

The two cuddled together on a couch for a couple hours before going to bed. When Jay woke up the next morning, he was feeling a lot better - not 100%, but better. They spent their Sunday together cuddling and then they decided to go on a walk so Jay could get some fresh air. Safe to say, he'd be avoiding seafood for a while after that.

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