Matt Casey - Tough Shift

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A/N - something just inspired me to write this so hope you all enjoy! <3

It was Y/N's first shift back on Ambulance 61 after maternity leave and on her first day back, Ambo decided to be called out 4 times within in the first 6 hours of shift so to say she was exhausted would be an understatement.

Her and Gabby had just gotten back from their 5th call of shift and Y/N was headed towards her husband's office to lie down and it was time for her to pump. Y/N's whole body was aching, shift was exhausting and it didn't help she had been awake most of the night with her and Matt's baby boy as he couldn't sleep. She walked in to her husband doing his paperwork from an earlier call; she opened the door and wrapped her arms around the back of his neck, resting her head on his shoulder. She closed her eyes and let out a breath before Matt turned around to face her, standing up to give his wife a huge hug.
"You okay baby?" He asked.
"Mm, tough shift and I miss our boy," she responded.
"I know you do. The first shift back is always the hardest. I almost cried when I came back," Matt added, his arms still around his wife.
"Aw Matt, we missed you too that day, I cried as well," she replied, lifting her head from Matt's chest to give him a peck on his lips.
"I need to pump before we get another call," Y/N mumbled, attempting to remove herself from her husband's embrace.
"Of course baby, let me shut the blinds and you get comfy on the bed," he replied, letting go of his wife.

Y/N got out her pump and got situated comfortably on Matt's bed; she began to pump and Matt came and joined her. He sat behind her so she could lean against him and close her eyes for a minute; Matt's hands found their way to Y/N's shoulders which he began to massage, helping his wife to relax before shift got busy again. Y/N closed her eyes, a small smile appearing on her face. She dozed off in minutes, Matt leaving light kisses on the back of her head. About 15 minutes later, she woke up as she felt she had nothing left to pump.
"You done baby?" Matt asked.
"Mmm, think so. That sleep was so good though and so was your massage. My whole body is aching!"
She bottled up her milk and got ready again.
"Want me to put that in the fridge for you?"
"Yes please, thanks babe," she said, handing the milk to her husband as she lay back down on his bed.

Matt went to put Y/N's milk in the fridge when he was approached by Severide, "Hey man, is Y/N okay?" Kelly asked, concerned he hadn't seen his non-biological sister all shift.
"She's fine, just been called out a lot, she's really missing the baby and she just pumped," Matt replied, holding the milk up to show Severide. "She's shattered too, I think she's gonna sleep in my office for a bit," he continued.
"Ah okay, I'll catch up with her later then," said Kelly.
"See you later man," Matt replied, making his way back to his office.

When he returned, Y/N was fast asleep, tucked under the covers facing the wall. Matt decided his unfinished paperwork could wait and climbed in with his wife. They were snuggled together for all but 10 minutes before the alarms went off again calling for Ambo and Truck so they both reluctantly got up and made their way to the scene. Luckily, it wasn't too serious and Y/N and Gabby didn't even need to make a trip to med so they were back at the firehouse within 2 hours.

Once they got back, Y/N and Matt headed back to his office to have a bit more of a rest and get some food. Y/N checked in with their babysitter whilst Matt grabbed some food from the kitchen - some crackers, cheese, fruit and Y/N's favourite chocolates to cheer her up. He got back to his office and Y/N was getting a little emotional looking at a picture the babysitter sent of her baby boy who was fast asleep with his firefighter and paramedic bears.
"Baby, are you okay?" Matt asked, his voice laced with concern after hearing his wife sniffle.
"I'm fine babe, look what the babysitter sent me," she responded, holding up her phone for Matt to see.
"Aww he's so cute!"
"I miss him so much though," Y/N groaned.
"I know you do baby. This time tomorrow we'll be back home with him. For now, do you want some snacks," he asked. "I know it's not the same but I still want to cheer you up."
"Thank you babe, I love you... so much," she said going up to hug her husband.
"Come on, let's eat then I'll give you a massage," he said, popping a kiss on her lips.

The couple enjoyed their snacks and Matt told Y/N to lie face down on his knees.
He then ran his hands through her hair, massaging her head and getting all the knots out, moving his arms down to massage her aching shoulders and her back whilst she dozed off. Matt prayed the bells didn't go off and luckily they didn't for 3 hours meaning his wife was able to get 3 whole hours of uninterrupted sleep! The bells did eventually go off but Y/N felt so much better and more energised so she was able to quickly get through the call and finally go back to her baby boy.

Her and Matt arrived home after shift and Y/N ran straight to her baby boy and gave him a huge cuddle.
"Mommy missed you so much my baby!" She gushed, taking in her baby boy's scent. Matt joined them shortly after seeing the babysitter off and the new family shared a day of cuddles together.
Going back to work would take a lot of getting used to for Y/N but with Matt by her side, she'd always get through it.

A/N: the ending is really bad, I didn't know how to finish it lol
Enjoy new One Chicago tonight!

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