Will Halstead - Family

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A/N: Requested by @Queenemmy27: 'married and pregnant with Will Halstead and daughter of Daniel Charles.'
Hope you enjoy!

It was a very busy summer day in the Gaffney ED, back to back emergencies, evaluations and surgeries all day. This day was extra tough on Y/N Charles-Halstead (daughter of Daniel Charles and wife of the ED's favourite red-headed doctor, Will Halstead). She met Will through her father when he began working at Chicago Med; Y/N was at doctor at Lakeshore at the time, but soon transferred to med due to a better job opportunity. 5 years after meeting, they were married and expecting their first baby! Given she was 5 months pregnant and very much showing, today was a big challenge and Y/N was constantly reminded by her husband AND her father to keep taking breaks. But to Y/N, the ED was too busy to take a break, she was in and out of rooms, tending to patients and both Dr Charles and Will noticed her lack of breaks in the doctors lounge and began to worry.

When Y/N was filling out a patient's chart behind the nurses' desk, Will approached.
"Hey baby,"
"Hi," she responded, not taking her eyes away from the screen.
"You haven't taken many breaks today, are you okay?" Asked her concerned husband.
"Will I'm fine, please stop worrying about me. Would you be this worried if I didn't have this?" She questioned, looking down at her visible baby bump.
"No but I just don't want you to overwork yourself. I love you," he said.
"I'm fine, honestly, you don't need to treat me like I'm made of glass. I love you too," she said and quickly walked off to tend to another patient.

An hour later, Dr Charles pulled Y/N over to have the exact same conversation with her.
"Honestly dad, I'm fine and anyway look how busy the ED is, if I took a break, it'd be 10 times worse!"
"No honey it won't be, I promise. Just sit for 10 minutes and I can do your rounds for you! It's important you rest," insisted Dr Charles.
"Dad, no it's fine, you're only saying all this because I'm pregnant. Yes the first trimester was quite bad with the sickness and the hospital visits but now I'm fine, you and Will can stop worrying," she said. As she walked off, back to her patients, she said "Also, dad, this classes as a break, you can stop worrying now."

Y/N had been working non stop with minimal breaks for almost 7 hours. She was now really feeling it - her head was aching and she had some cramping in her stomach - but she didn't let that be known, especially not to Will or her dad. Behind the nurses' desk, she was stood filling in a patient's chart and she felt her head spinning on top of the aching. She had to steady herself on the desk and she prayed Will didn't see. The spinning momentarily stopped so she went back to filling in her patient's chart but the bright screen was hurting her eyes and her head began to throb a little more but she knew she had to power through the rest of her shift despite her stomach cramps and headache.

She made her way away from the computer but she felt so dizzy she could barely walk in a straight line. Maggie noticed and went over to her, gently grabbing her arm.
"Hey Y/N, are you alright?"
"My head hurts and so does my stomach a bit but I need to check in on this patient," she responded.
"No no. You need to lie down. I'll get Ethan to check on your patients. Go to the doctor's lounge and have a snack and some water and lie down for a bit. You'll feel better after," ordered Maggie.
Y/N slowly made her way to the doctor's lounge, Maggie's eyes on her like a hawk but just before she made it, her ears started ringing and her vision went cloudy and she soon blacked out.

"Someone grab me a gurney and get the other Dr Halstead and Dr Charles immediately," shouted Maggie to anyone and everyone in the ED. The two doctors were paged straight away and Will was there within seconds, Dr Charles a minute later.
"Oh my gosh, Y/N, what happened to her?" Asked Will, completely panicked as Maggie and a bunch of other nurses lifted his wife on to a gurney.
"I think she overworked herself. She was complaining of a headache and stomach cramps so I told her to lie down but she collapsed before she made it to the lounge," said Maggie.
Will was panic stricken but Dr Charles stayed silent. They were both kicked out of the treatment room by Maggie and Dr Rhodes so all they could do was wait.

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