Antonio Dawson - Stomach Ache

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A/N: hi!! I'm back, sorry I've had awful writers block and am in a bit of a stump. This was requested but can't remember who requested it, hope yall enjoy!! <3

"Hey babe, what time will you be home today?" Asked Y/N on the phone to her boyfriend Antonio.
"I should be back at about 5 so a few more hours mi amor, I'm sorry," he responded.
It was technically his day off and he and Y/N had a date day planned but the bad guys didn't take the day off... so Antonio was called into work early this morning. The couple were hopeful he'd be back for their dinner reservations though.
"Okay babe," she replied with a sigh. "I'll see you later. I love you."
"I love you too and I'll make it up to you... tonight... after dinner... I promise," he replied, making his girlfriend smirk on the other side of the phone.

It was barely two hours later when the front door to Y/N and Antonio's house opened and in walked Antonio clutching his stomach in pain.
"Hey babe, you're home early." called Y/N, not looking up from what she was doing.
"Hi," he responded in pain, which caused his girlfriend's head to shoot up, a look of concern written on her face.
"Oh my gosh, babe are you okay?" She asked, rushing over to him and placing a hand on his back.
"My stomach, it started just after I got off the phone to you and Voight sent me home," he managed to say.
"Here, come lay down on the sofa, do you feel sick?"
Antonio made his way over to the sofa and lay down, a loud groan escaping his mouth.
"Feel a bit sick and really hot," he groaned.
"Okay babe, let me get you some ginger tea and a cold cloth for your head," Y/N said, squeezing Antonio's hand.
She got up to get the stuff, Antonio giving her hip a little squeeze as she walked towards the kitchen.
She grabbed a cold cloth and made some ginger tea before grabbing a bucket to give to Antonio.
"Here you go, babe," she said, handing him the tea and placing the cloth around his neck. Antonio was still clutching his stomach in pain as he sat up to sip the tea. Y/N sat down next to him on the couch as he took slow sips of his tea.

He was done after a few sips and lay back down, resting his head on Y/N's lap whilst she ran her hands through his hair trying to soothe him to sleep. Y/N could tell her long term boyfriend was in lots of pain as he almost never this vulnerable in front of her; the tough guy act had all gone out the window.
Luckily, Antonio managed to fall asleep for an hour or so until he threw up in the bucket Y/N had brought in. She held it up in front of him whilst she rubbed circles on his back.

She gasped as she saw the contents he threw up as he had vomited blood, making both of them extremely concerned.
"Babe, that's blood, let me call your sister!" Y/N said, panicked.
She got up and ran to grab her phone as Antonio rinsed his mouth with water and lay back down.

"Hey, Gabby?!"
"Y/N? What's wrong? Is everything okay?" Gabby asked concerned.
"No it's isn't, Antonio just threw up blood and now I'm panicking! What do I do?!"
"Okay Y/N I need you to calm down; you can either call 911 or drive him to the hospital yourself; he needs to be checked out by a doctor asap to rule out some stuff okay?"
"Okay, thanks Gabby!"
"Keep me updated, I'll catch up with you guys later okay?"
"Thank you, bye!"

Y/N made her way back to the living room, "Baby, I've just talked to Gabby, I'm gonna take you to the hospital to get you checked out,"
"Okay," he groaned, eyes shut, still clutching his stomach.
Y/N helped him up and wrapped an arm around him whilst she led him out to her car, helped him in and quickly drove to the hospital.
Once they arrived, they slowly made their way to the ED where they were greeted by nurse Maggie, who grabbed Dr's Halstead and Manning to take Antonio and Y/N to a room.
They got situated and the doctors asked what had happened. "Antonio came home with a really bad stomach ache and he vomited up blood so I called Gabby and she told us to come here asap. Please figure out what's wrong with him, I can't bear to see him in so much pain!" Begged Y/N, speaking at a hundred mph, her heart aching for her husband who was in so much pain.
"Y/N, please calm down, we're gonna run a couple tests and let you know as soon as we know, he will be fine okay? It's likely to be a stomach ulcer but the tests will confirm everything," Comforted Nat.
"Thank you!"

The two doctors ran all the tests required and Antonio fell asleep shortly after, Y/N's hand in his as he slept on the bed. About an hour or so later, Will and Nat came back in and Antonio woke up from his slumber, stomach still aching.
"Well... what's the prognosis doc's?" He asked.
"I'm afraid it's a stomach ulcer Antonio. You're lucky that your stomach lining hasn't been perforated but there is a little bleeding at the site of the ulcer hence the blood you threw up earlier," Will began.
"What the treatment?" Y/N asked, still holding Antonio's hand.
"We're going to prescribe some proton pump inhibitors (PPI's) which will essentially reduce the amount of acid your stomach produces, preventing further damage to the ulcer as it heals naturally," answered Natalie.
"We'll give you some pain meds for and will keep you here overnight just for observation. Y/N, we can get you a cot bed for you to stay on top if you'd like?" Added Will.
"That would be great thank you so much guys," said Y/N.
"Thanks guys," said Antonio, as Natalie was administering some pain meds through an IV.

The doctors left the couple in the room together.
"Sorry I ruined our date day by working and then this," said Antonio sounding upset.
"You don't have to apologise babe, it's fine. We can do it another time when you're all better," replied Y/N.
"You're the best girlfriend ever," he said, placing a couple kisses on her hand which was still interlocked with his.
Y/N blushed and smiled at her boyfriend. "I did have something I wanted to tell you though and I don't know if I can wait..." she added, reaching for her handbag. She rummaged through it, found what she was looking for and handed it to Antonio.
He took the object and gasped.
"Are you serious?!" He asked in disbelief.
"Yeah! I found out this morning," replied Y/N, tears in her eyes.
"Oh my god! We're gonna have a baby!" He exclaimed, happiness written all over his face.
The tears had spilt out of Y/N's eyes by this point and she just nodded, whilst Antonio brought her head down to plant a kiss on her lips.
"I love you... so much mi amor," said Antonio, foreheads touching. "Thank you for making me a dad of three! Eva and Diego will be so excited!"
"I love you too. I can't wait for this baby! I'm terrified but also excited," rambled Y/N.
Antonio simply smiled at her and placed a hand on Y/N's still flat stomach.
"There's no way I'm letting you sleep on the cot bed tonight! You're coming in here with me," he said opening up the blanket for Y/N to lie with him.
She lay down and snuggled into her boyfriend as he wrapped his protective arms around her.

"I was really worried about you today babe," she said. "I was just trying to not let myself jump to the worst conclusions but I'm glad it's all worked out and you should be better soon. I can't wait to celebrate this baby properly with you," she said, placing her hands on top of his which her wrapped around her torso.
"Me too mi amor," and with that, Y/N turned to face Antonio in the bed.
"I love you," said Antonio.
"I love you too gushed Y/N" and with that, the couple fell asleep in the hospital bed, both knowing they had everything they needed right there with them.

Antonio was released from hospital the day after and was on light duty when he returned for work for six whole weeks whilst his stomach fully healed from the ulcer.

A/N: still not out of my writers slump hence this is bad and I wrote most of it whilst I was drunk too... hope you still enjoyed 🥰


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