Will Halstead - Sick Wife

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A/N: requested by 1chicagofan5021: 'The reader is Will Halsteads girlfriend/wife and maybe Kelly's sister (also a firefighter) and is sick (maybe the flu or something like that) but keeps saying she's fine, goes to work still trying to convince everyone that she's fine then collapses and gets a whole lecture off Will after she gets taken to med.'

Hey all, happy new year! I'm currently otw back from a little city break with my family and I have ages left in the car journey so I'm gonna try and write a bunch of requests 🥰

It had been a long night of tossing and turning for Y/N, Lieutenant of Truck 81, sister of Kelly Severide and wife of Will Halstead. One minute she was hot, the next she was cold, then her throat was dry and she had a headache, safe to say, she was probably coming down with something and having a doctor as a husband, it wasn't going to go unnoticed.
Will pretended to be asleep but he did notice his wife's unsettled state during the night. His alarm went off and when he awoke, he went in for a cuddle but found the other side of bed to be empty and cold so he went to go and investigate the whereabouts of his wife.

He went downstairs and there, sat on the kitchen island, head in her hands was his wife. It appeared to him that she had fallen asleep whilst nursing a mug of honey and lemon tea. He didn't want to wake her up as he knew she wasn't feeling great but he didn't want her sleeping there so he gently tapped his wife's shoulder, "Honey, wake up," he ruffled her hair a little with his fingertips.
She groaned a little before slowly lifting her head from her hands and giving her body a stretch, opening her eyes.
"Morning babe," she said, turning to give her husband a quick peck on the lips. "Good sleep?"
"Yes thanks honey, was surprised to not find you in bed when I woke up though. What are you doing down here?"
"I guess I couldn't sleep but then fell asleep here instead," she chuckled. "I had a bit of a headache but I'll be fine," she said, trying to brush off any symptoms to her husband so he wouldn't worry.
"Are you sure you're feeling better? You could call off shift today if you feel you're coming down with something," suggested Will, placing a hand to her forehead to check her temperature. "You do feel a bit warm."
"Will I'll be fine I promise. I'm going to shower, care to save water and join me?" She rhetorically asked, getting up and kissing her husband on the lips again before she went up to shower with a large smirk. Will was hot on her heels and followed her up.

The two had a very enjoyable shower together and were now in the car on the way to shift. Y/N's throat had started to feel a little sore so she had some more honey and lemon tea in her flask. She refrained from telling Will this but he could tell she wasn't feeling great as for the whole ride to the firehouse; she sat with her eyes closed leaning on the window. They soon arrived at the firehouse.
"Thanks for dropping me babe. I'll see you tomorrow," Y/N said, giving her husband a kiss.
"Are you sure you'll be okay though babe? I can tell you're really not feeling good; you've just got that Severide 'everything's fine stop worrying' facade about you.
"Babe, I'll be fine. I love you," she said opening her car door.
"I love you too. Message me if you feel worse and I'll come get you," he replied.
She grabbed her duffel and gave her husband a quick wave as she entered the firehouse.
Will was still worried so he decided to text his brother in law to tell him to keep an eye on Y/N as she was definitely not as well as she was insisting.

W: Hey Kelly, Y/N's really not feeling well but as usual, she's insisting she's fine. Do you mind keeping an eye on her during shift and update me if she' gets worse? I think she's coming down with the flu. Thanks a lot!
K: Hey Will, she's so stubborn it's unreal. I'll keep an eye on her for you and keep you updated
W: Thanks Kelly

Throughout shift, there were a lot of calls for Truck 81, which only tired the Lieutenant out and made her feel worse. Her head was throbbing as well as her whole body and she was struggling to walk straight. Her brother was keeping a close eye on her all day but the way she was looking now, he knew he had to say something.
He went to her office, knocked on the door and walked in. She was doing paperwork but her head was in her hands and she couldn't concentrate.
"Hey, you okay? You look a bit pale," he asked.
"I'm fine Kelly. Just a bit of a headache, nothing I can't handle," she said, looking up at him and sounding quite nasal.
"Yeah I'm sure," he replied rolling eyes.
"What do you mean 'yeah I'm sure'?" She asked, imitating him, clearly annoyed at his action.
"Well you're clearly not fine. I know my sister. You're sat with your head in your hands, you can barely walk straight and you're sounding quite nasal. You're not fine!"
"Ugh Kelly you're so annoying, please stop bothering me and just let me do my paperwork then I'll get some water and something to eat," she said, standing up and backing her brother out of her office, closing the door in his face.
Kelly just sighed and walked off knowing how annoyingly stubborn his sister was.

As the minutes went by, Y/N was feeling progressively worse to the point she knew she had to get some food, water and meds in the system. She slowly walked to the kitchen to where everyone else was.
"Hey Lieutenant, you feeling okay?" Asked Gallo.
Kelly came up behind her and before she could reply, he spoke up, "She's gonna say she's fine but she's really not. I called Will and he's gonna pick you up in an hour on his next break."
Y/N looked at her brother with an evil scowl.
"Kelly... I... am..." she suddenly needed to grip the table she was stood by to balance; her head was spinning and throbbing at the same time. As she went to finish her sentence, her eyes rolled to the back of her head and she fell straight into her brother's arms.

The firehouse were quick to react, Brett and Violet running to the ambo to grab the jump bag and a stretcher and some of the others helped Kelly lower his sister to the ground. They placed an oxygen mask on Y/N and lifted her on to a stretcher. Chief allowed Kelly to ride in the ambulance with Brett and Violet, who called ahead at med to inform them of who was coming in. Kelly also texted Will telling him what happened and that they were on their way in.

They monitored Y/N's stats on the way, they stayed at a 97 and the paramedics noticed her elevated body temperature. Soon enough, they arrived at med; Y/N was still unconscious as she was wheeled into the ED.

"Dr Choi, April, Dr Halstead, Treatment 2! It's Y/N," shouted Maggie across the ED.
The three were quick to make to their way to unconscious Lieutenant; it took everything inside of Will to not get involved, he just hoped his wife was okay. Ethan and April ran some tests and took her bloods. It was determined that Y/N was dehydrated and that she had the flu. They administered an IV with fluids to rehydrate her and sent some antibiotics to her local pharmacy. They were now awaiting her blood results and Will was sat next to his sleeping wife, who was due to wake up any minute now. He was running his fingers through her hair whilst Kelly sat on the other side of her bed holding her hand.

A few minutes went by and Y/N started to stir and she slowly opened her eyes, adjusting to the bright lights of the Treatment room.
"Wow, sleeping beauty is awake," Kelly said sarcastically.
"Nice to see you too," Y/N replied rolling her eyes. She turned to face her husband. "Hey babe," she said.
"Hey honey, how are you feeling? You passed out at work."
"My head isn't banging anymore but I'm still a little achy and my throat is scratchy. But all in all, better than earlier."
"Glad you're feeling better sis, I better get back to work and don't worry, chief called in a relief lieutenant for you," Kelly said, placing a small kiss on Y/N's forehead before stepping out to go back to shift.
Y/N shifted so she was now fully facing Will and grabbed his hand.
"I know you're angry at me and I know I should've stayed at home..." she started.
"I'm not angry at you Y/N but I am upset. You downplayed your illness to me even though I could tell how bad you were feeling. You barely slept - I heard you get up during the night but I fell back to sleep - and you were half asleep at the kitchen island this morning! I was so worried I texted Kelly to keep an eye on you at work. Please promise me next time, you'll tell me so I can take care of you at home so it doesn't come to this," pleaded Will.
Y/N felt guilty for putting her husband through this stress, she placed her palm on Will's face, cupping his cheek, "Babe I am so sorry I did this today. And now I know just not to push myself when I'm sick. I promise, I won't do it again," she said in response.

Ethan then came in to deliver Y/N's results.
"Well luckily it's nothing serious, just the flu and Will knows already but we've sent some antibiotics to your local pharmacy. A few days and you'll be right as rain," he said.
"Thanks Ethan," said Y/N and he walked out.
She looked back at Will who was looking at her, "I love you and I love how worried you get, it's very cute."
"I love you too," said Will, leaning down to give his wife a gentle kiss on her lips.

A/N: Quite like this, it is very cute🥰

16 days until new OC!! (17 for me as I'm in the uk 🥲)

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