17. You Are Not A Burden

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Mahi's Pov:

I wanted to ask Saif about some random thing but then I decide not to.
I told him that it's nothing and what he did left me shocked.
He hovered on me.
It's my habit, whenever I am nervous or can't maintain eye contact I start blinking my eyes.
He looked at me intensely.
Then again he asked me to tell him what I wanted to ask.
And due to our proximity I actually forgot.
I told him that I forgot.
He laughed and laid back.
My heart beat is going crazy.

Soon sleep took over me and I slept.

Time skip
Next day

Today is our last day here as tomorrow we will head back to Lucknow.
Currently we are getting ready to go for a long drive.
Yes we decide to spend our last day here by enjoying the beautiful scenario of Kashmir.
I am kinda sad too.
This place is so so beautiful.
It seems like Kashmir has a soul in it which makes visitors fell for it.
Anyone can happily spend his or her entire life here alone.
You don't need anything to live here, one can spend life here just by exploring different different places all his or her life.
And that life is much more worthy than the one we spent living in metropolis cities.

Even I can live here without anything like relatives, internet, mobile phone, TV, AC, friends, family, partn....
I halt on my trail of thoughts.
Why I can't be able to complete the word "partner"?
Why did I stop?

Because you can't live even in this beautiful place without him.

My inner voice told me.

It's not like that.
I don't think so.

Then why did you stop? Why you can't complete the word partner?

"Mahi, are you ready?" A voice came.
It's Saif.
I nod.
He came closer and forward his hand at the back of my head.
He slid my pointer down making my hairs open.
"Its better, let's go" he said.
Again my heart skips a beat.

We got out of the resort. He held my hand.
I looked at him and he just smile making me smile too.
Gosh, his dimples!
I want to kiss them.
Shut up!

We sat in the car. The car starts moving.
Wind is blowing, refreshing my mind and soul.
I stuck my head out of the window.

Sun rays are falling on my face, feeling like the warmth of love.
Winds are blowing through my hairs, feels like they are complimenting me.
Cool breeze is touching my face, like they are leaving kisses on my cheeks.
Birds are chirping around, like they are welcoming me.
And a pair of eyes looking at me, making me feel like I am the most beautiful girl in the world.

I am feeling like a new born again.
A baby who is unaware of all the evilness this world hold.

A baby who don't know anything about love but still cries when she don't find her parents around.

A baby who think if she will close her eyes no one will be able to see her.

A baby who think she will get her favourite toy when she will cry.

A baby who don't even pronounce the word "trust" properly but still know her parents will hold her when she will fall.

A baby who thinks her prince will come to marry her when she will grew up.

A prince who will make her escape her ex best-friend's engagement.

A prince who will make her smile for the first time after heart-break.

A prince who will hold her hand when she will stumble.

A prince who love her hairs open.
A prince who will come to rescue her when a devil breaks her.

Mahi- A shattered soul Where stories live. Discover now