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Lily's POV

" Is Hunter in his office?" I asked the receptionist, I was bringing Hunter lunch because I know he gets busy and doesn't eat when he should.

She nodded, " Yes ma'am. Bringing the big guy food? Good because he needs it."

I chuckled, " Yes make him go get food next time."

" Got it!"

I walked into his office and seen him writing on papers, " Hey babe."

He looked up and smiled, " Baby I didn't know you were coming by." He stood up and gave me a hug and kiss.

" I brought you food, I know you haven't ate." I said kissing him back.

He chuckled, " You are right about that. Thank you babe. What do you have planned today?"

I sat down, " I have to grab Karter from my mom and pick the kids up from school, that's about it."

" No clients today?" He asked sitting down in his chair.

" Nope, free day so I cleaned the house and got my nails done and I'm here now. We have to get Noah some new basketball shoes."

He nodded, " I'll take him to the mall this weekend. I'll get him 2 so he can have a back up. I have one more appointment then I'll be home. I just have to do brakes so shouldn't take long."

It still shocks me how Hunter and I are actually adults and living happily married. I'm just genuinely happy on how our family became. I wouldn't want to do this with anyone else.

" Ok baby, I'm going to head to my parents to grab Karter, I'll see you when you get home." I said standing up walking to his chair. I bent down and gave him a kiss which he deepened right away.

I backed away, " Nope, when you get home."

He groaned, " Uhhh ok, I'll see you when I get home, I love you babe."

" I love you more."


" Thanks for keeping him mom. It was nice to clean the house without the kids messing it up right away." I said chuckling because if you know then you know.

She smiled, " Of course sweetheart, he just ate grilled cheese and some grapes so he should be good."

I walked into the living room and saw him playing with blocks on the carpet, I sat next to him and when he realized it was me he smiled instantly. He says a couple words now including mama and dada. He said mama first and Hunter wasn't happy about that.

" Hey mamas baby!" I scooped him up into my arms giving him tons of kisses."

" Mama! Mama! Mama!" He said laughing, Karter is such a happy baby, definitely a mamas boy. But I don't want it any other way.

" Belle left? I asked my mom who sat on the couch.

She nodded, " She went to the mall with Mia and Jordan but she goes back to Italy in 2 days, I'm so sad."

I chuckled, " Let's all do dinner tomorrow before she leaves."

My mom smiled instantly, she loves when all of us get together. " Yes! I'll tell your father and text the group chat."

She cracks me up with the group chat, she's the mom to tell us all good morning and good night and random updates throughout the day but I love it.

" Ok the kids and I will be here, Hunter might work late but I'm sure he will be here if not."

She nodded and kissed Karter goodbye, " Bye my baby, I'll see you tomorrow!" He smiled and reached for me. Mommy duties are back on.


" I can't wait for my first game mom." Noah said while eating dinner. I didn't want to cook so pizza it is.

" I know baby, we can't wait to cheer you on." I was feeding Karter little pieces of the pizza. " Lyla how was school?" Since Hunter and I had the talk with the principal Lyla has been telling us that it's been going good for her now. I'm glad they took action because bullying is not ok for any child or any one for that matter.

She nodded, " It's good, Rah and I have to do a project about an inventor."

" That's good, tomorrow we are all going to grandmas and grandpas house for dinner." They both yelled, they love their grandparents.

" We have to see Aunt Belle before she leaves."

They nodded and I let them continue to eat their pizza while I grabbed Karter to clean him up. It's almost his bed time so I gave him a bath.

" Hey babies!" I heard Hunters voice talking to the kids.

" Dad!" They said in illusion.

I brought Karter downstairs so he can see Hunter before he went to bed and of course he started going up and down when he seen Hunter.

" Hey baby!" Hunter said grabbing Karter. He sat down at the table talking to the kids and I cleaned up the kitchen.

" Noah let's go give you a bath now then Lyla next." I said throwing out the pizza box.

He nodded and went upstairs and I went to go run the bath.


All 3 are now in bed sleeping and I was laying down in bed when Hunter came into the room, He was in his man cave for about 2 hours, I think it's important to give each other space besides when we are at work. Just that personal time and we are fairly good at it.

" Hey baby girl." He said laying down next to me

" Hey babe."

" Did you have a good time at your moms?"

I nodded, " Yes Belle is getting ready to leave so my parents want to do a dinner, I said you would try to make it due to work."

He chuckled, " Babe I'm the boss, I choose to work hard and work on the cars, my team are good and will be fine. I'll be there."

I smiled, " Ok bet!"

He gave me a kiss, " Turn around."

I gave him a look and he laughed, " Not like that, I'm giving you a massage."

" Awwww, really??" I said getting ready to cry. I been so emotional lately I think it's the kids, after you have kids everything makes you emotional.

" Yes baby, turn around."

And with that I turned around and he gave me a bomb ass massage. Good night.


WHATTTTTTT IM BACK!!!!!!! After 3 years I know I know! I'm back and better!

This was a filler because I got to get to know them again but it's going to get good I promise! Thanks for the all of the messages and advice and everything, I honestly thought that I would never write this book again but it's not fair to my supporters so here you go! Update will be soon!

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