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" Nick that isn't funny."

He looked at me and laughed some more. I picked the closest thing to me which was a pillow and threw it at him. He was currently laughing his ass off because I texted my boss instead of my sister and asked for tampons since she was on her way here. How I got that mixed up, I don't know but she hasn't replied yet.

" Babe."

He start laughing again and I was getting ready to tackle him but my phone dinged. Oh no!

I saw Nick looking at my phone and I couldn't let him see it so I ran as fast as I could to the table. He was hot on my heels but I grabbed it first.

I looked at the phone quickly and it wasn't her, it was my mom saying how much she missed Jordan.

Nick and I had Jordan 9 years ago on May 6th. He is the sweetest little boy I have ever met. I was scared when I found out I was pregnant but Nick reassured me that everything will be okay. I had him pretty young but I don't regret having him. He was a pretty good baby for the most part but when he wanted attention, he had to have it. Nick spoiled him like crazy and don't get me wrong so do I but Nick is over the top. He decided he wanted to take Jordan to Dubai on his 5th birthday! And we went.

Jordan resembles me more but he does have some of Nick's features also.

Nick grabbed the phone out of my hand and once he saw it was my mom, he put the phone down

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Nick grabbed the phone out of my hand and once he saw it was my mom, he put the phone down.

Nick is a pediatrician, he is a very good one too. He is very patient with kids probably why Jordan and him got so close. I work with a fashion company and I design all the new stuff. I really enjoy the job but my boss and I aren't that close which is why I am freaking out about the message. You know she is a busy lady so she won't see it.

Nick walked in the kitchen and poured him a glass of water.

" What time is your sister coming?"

" She said she was on her way. She is picking up Tommy and Jordan."

Tommy was my nephew. He was my little baby but now he 16 years old. He plays football and sometimes Jordan goes to his practices. He grew up on me so quick.

He smirked, " So can we work on baby number 2?"

I chuckled, " Can you ask the big question?"

Yup, Nick has not asked me to marry him and I don't understand why.

He sighed, " You know I don't believe that a piece of paper-"

I rolled my eyes, " defines marriage. I know."

We had been together more than a decade and I don't want to sound like the bitchy type but I think I deserve his last name and so does the rest of our family.

I walked to the table and grabbed my phone. I decided to text Lily because she would know what to say.


" Mommy!"

Jordan is home.

I was in my room getting dressed. I decided to take a shower because I didn't really want to be around Nick. Yes, he doesn't believe in the whole wedding or marriage thing but I do. I don't want to be known as his girlfriend or baby's mother forever.

" I am in my room."

I heard his footsteps coming down the hall. He opened the door and jumped on me.

" Wow! you are getting big baby."

He grinned, " I know, Tommy has been teaching me some moves and he even let me lift some weights."

He flex his little muscles, " Can you tell?"

I nodded, not trying to laugh, " Oh yes, those things look like they are going to pop out. Did you see your dad."

He nodded, " He is in the man cave watching a movie but Aunt Julie is here."

" Let's go then."

I walked downstairs and Julie was sitting at the table eating some chips. I walked up to her and gave her a hug, " Hey sis."

" What's up chica?"

I shrugged and sat down, " nothing much, I should be asking you that since you and Josh decided to take a surprise trip to the freaking Bahamas."

She laughed, " It wasn't my decision, but it was awesome!"

She went to my ear, " And the places that you can do it on, baby!"

I pushed her face, " Shut up."

She shrugged, " I think it's time for Josh and I to make baby number 2."

How ironic is this conversation.

I nodded, " Yea, that would be nice."

She looked at me, " What's wrong baby girl?"

I shook my head, " Nothing."

She gave me that look like she knows when I am lying.

" Nick said he wanted to have another baby which is nothing new but I want to get married. I mean we have been together for over a decade and I feel like maybe I am not wifey material he wants."

She shook her head, " Im sorry hon, and you shouldn't think like that because that boy loves you and if you really want something to change, tell him even if you feel like he is going to get mad."

I shrugged, " Yea, you are right."


I walked downstairs to the man cave where Nick was, I thought about was Julie said and I decided that I should talk to him.

He was watching a football game and I sat next to him.

" Hey."

" Hey." He didn't even look at me.

" How's the game?"

He sighed and turned the t.v off. Then he turned his body next to mines.

" Yes, Mia?"

" Do you think I am not good enough to have your last name. To not have that title?"

He shook his head, " Mia, listen I love you. I just feel like the love we have shouldn't be based on some stupid paper."

I start breathing in and out, does he hear what I am saying.

" Nick! A stupid paper. I don't think its a stupid paper, yes you may think that it's stupid but I don't. I am not trying to be a bitch but come on. You wanted a baby, I gave you that, But I want a marriage and no."

I stood up and wiped the tears that I didn't even know fell.

" Its fine, have a goodnight."

He looked like he wanted to say something but went to the bathroom.

Well that went well.


( Authors note)


What is Nicks problem?

The gang is coming back together soon.

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