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Lily's POV

" Babe can you come here for a second?" I heard Hunter call me from his man cave.

I walked downstairs to see him holding a brand new tv.

" Hunter what is this?"

He smiled, " This is my new tv. I got a deal and it just looks so sexy."

" What's wrong with that one?" I asked pointing to his other tv on the wall that was still in good shape.

" It's too small. And the guy said this shows 100% more clear. What do you think?"

I shrugged, " It's okay I guess."  I didn't have a problem with buying a new tv because we weren't tight on money or anything but I noticed he has been  acting weird. I don't know I can just tell.

" What's wrong?" He asked sitting down.

" Nothing, I could ask the same about you."

" What? I'm fine."

" Are you sure?"

He stood up and kissed me, " Yea I'm good. I will hang this up later. I got to pick up Lyla."

" Okay babe. Love you."

" Love you too."


" Mom I did it!"

Noah came running inside the kitchen where I was preparing dinner, " You did what?"

" You are looking at Lincoln's new basketball player! Coach said that I'm really good. Can you believe it!?" He said running around the kitchen.

" Wow Noah that is great! I'm proud of you buddy." I gave him a high five and he ran to the back to tell Hunter.

" Mom can Rehema come over for dinner?" Lyla asked with Karter next to her leg. My baby has been getting better at walking and he takes steps of his own. Sometimes he falls but he's been doing really good.

" Sure, is she getting dropped off?"

" Yea, I'm going to call her back now to let her know."

" Okay, you can put Karter in his seat." I said throwing the vegetables inside the pan.

I gave Karter some baby chips to snack on while dinner was getting ready.

I heard my phone ringing so I went to the dining room to grab it. I seen that is was Belle calling. She left yesterday and I already missed her.

" Hello?"

" Hey sister! What are you doing?"

" I'm cooking for your niece and nephews, what are you doing?" I asked not sure where she was getting at.

" I'm at the airport."

" What!? I thought your plane left yesterday."

" It did but I didn't get on. I decided to stay another week."

" Are you serious?"

" Yea so I'm going to get a hotel and I will see you tomorrow. Just thought I should let you know."

" Belle, are you sure you want to stay? You don't have to feel bad for not being here."

" Lily shush. I'm sure. My Uber is here though so I will see you later. Love you."

" Love you too." I was beyond excited that Belle decided to stay an extra week meaning we could spend more time together.


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