Chapter 2

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Principal Weems pulls up in front of a double story white building, and she cuts the engine, turning to address me.

"Dr Kinbott's office is on the second floor. Other Nevermore students swear by her." Weems says gently as I turn away from the window.

"And you'll be waiting here until I'm done?" I ask, though it's more of a accusatory statement.

"Perhaps afterwards we can visit the Weathervane for hot chocolate." Weems indirectly answers my question, giving a small, hopeful smile.

"Principal Weems, this feeble attempt at bonding is beneath you." I open the car door and step out. "And chauffeuring your students around is clearly below your pay grade."

I move my hand towards the door to close it but Weems continues. "Given your history, I'm sure you're intent on running away. I'm here to prevent that from happening."

"I wish you luck." I glare as I shut the door and walk inside.

- Small time skip -

I walk across the roof quietly after successfully escaping the therapy session. My only option is to slide down a drainpipe on the side of the building, which I do carefully. While looking towards Weems' parked car, I bump into an old farmer and my head snaps back as a vision of his death takes place. He is going to break his neck in a car accident.

"Who let you out? You goddamn weirdo." He grumbles in annoyance, picking up his stock. I don't stick around, quickly making my way to the nearest cafe, which just so happens to be the Weathervane. Ironic.

Walking in, I see a young boy who looks to be about the same age as me fiddling over the hissing espresso machine. I walk up to him as a puff of smoke blows out of the machine.

"Holy Crap!" He startles as he sees me. " Do you make a habit of scaring the hell out of people?"

"It's more of a hobby."

"You go to Nevermore. Didn't realize they changed their uniform." He observes stupidly. I ignore his comment.

"I need a quad over ice. It's an emergency."

He stammers for a moment.

"It's four shots of espresso." I add, uninterested.

"Yeah, I ... I know what a quad is, but, I mean spoiler alert, the espresso machine is having a seizure ...  so all we have is drip."

A man is pouring a cup as he says this.

"But drip is for people who hate themselves and know their life has no real purpose or meaning." I state.

The man puts his cup down and walks off.

"What's wrong with your machine?"

- Tiny time skip -

After agreeing to wait until Tyler's shift ended for a drive to the nearest station, I slide into a booth and look around the cafe in boredom. My eyes pause on a familiar face. Autumn. She's tucked into a small booth by the window with books, papers and stationary spread out on the table in front of her, and appears to be studying.

My body has a mind of it's own, acting before any rational thoughts process in my head, making me walk towards her booth. I stand for a moment, watching her head bent over the study material, before sliding into the seat across from her and making my presence known.


Autumn outfit options (or whatever else you choose, this is just what I imagine):

Autumn outfit options (or whatever else you choose, this is just what I imagine):

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