Chapter 12

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I stand in front of the Gates mansion warily, comparing the sketch I had drawn of the gate to the actual thing. It seemed to be an accurate match. 

This house was where Garrett Gates once lived. The boy my father was accused of murdering. The sheriff told me their family died, along with their legacy of hate. But ghosts don't kill the living. 

I slip through the gates quietly, looking around for any signs of the living. Goody showed me this house for a reason. I step up to the front porch of the house, and move to open the door. I freeze when I see a shadow through the foggy glass panes of the door, and quickly duck out of sight. I watch as Mayor Walker walks out of the house, locks the door and walks towards his car. 

"I need a distraction." I whisper to Thing, who was sitting on my shoulder. 

I creep behind the mayor's car, as the mayor talks on the phone to the Sheriff about the case. Across from me, hidden in a tree, Thing flicks pebbles at the Mayor. While he's distracted, I use the time to hop into the trunk of the Mayor's car, and lay flat. 

Thing creeps in with me just on time, and I close the trunk as the Mayor steps into the car. 

Once the Mayor has parked outside of the Weathervane (where he said he would meet the sheriff) I pop my head through the window to watch as he walks across the road. To my horror, a car drives straight at the Mayor and hits him, and drives away without stopping. 

I hurry out of the trunk as the Sheriff runs to Mayor Walker's side. I watch in shock as the scene unfolds around me, and 911 is called. I find myself wishing Autumn was with me. She always knew how to ground me. 

Around 15 minutes later, I find myself sitting in front of the Sheriff inside the Weathervane. 

"He's alive. Barely." Sheriff Galpins runs a hand across his forehead. "I'll take you back after I get your statement." 

"I already gave it to your deputy. Blue Cadillac with no license plates." I repeat. 

"Yeah, I know." He pulls out a recording device and slides it in front of me. "I want a better one. What were you doing in the back of the Mayor's SUV?" 

"I saw him coming out of the Gates mansion." 

"The Gates mansion. What the hell were you doing there?" He asks. To be fair, he had a point asking - what was I doing at the house of the boy's family that my father was accused of murdering?

"House hunting." I say sarcastically. The Sheriff looks unamused. 

"I overheard the voicemail he left you. I was intrigued." I say honestly. When the Mayor had come out of the house, he mentioned that he 'might have an idea who was behind everything', which is why I initially got into the car. 

We talk for a bit more, but I don't give him much, so I find myself in Weems' office 15 minutes later. 

"How do you manage to end up at the centre of every terrible thing that happens around here?" Weems paces in front of me. 

"Incredible luck." 

"As of now, the school is on full lockdown and your off-campus privileges are revoked until further notice." Weems' raises her voice slightly. 

- small time skip -

I'm typing on my typewriter when Ms Thornhill's voice interrupts me. 

"Wednesday, I just heard what happened to Mayor Walker, are you alright? I ... I can't imagine witnessing something like that." She comes to my side. 

"It was on my bucket list. You can tell the warden I'm still in my cell." I glare up at her. 

"Principle Weems is only looking out for your best interests. You could have been seriously hurt or worse."

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