Chapter 4

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"How could you miss a dead body?" I ask, irritation filling my voice.

"Cause it wasn't there." The sheriff replies in exasperation. "No footprints, no blood, no sign of a struggle. Nothing, nada. My search party looked all night"

The sheriff, Weems and I walk through the halls.

"Well, your search party must have left their seeing-eye dogs at home. I saw that monster kill Rowan right in front of me. Autumn did too."

My stomach turns uneasily at the thought of Autumn.

"Get a good look at this monster thing?" The sheriff asks.

"It didn't stick around for a chat." I reply instantly.

"Maybe it was one of your classmates." He says.

"Sheriff, I find that question offensive." Weems says, pausing on the stairs.

The sheriff and Weems get into and argument about the other dead bodies that are presently in the morgue due to 'bear attacks', and whether or not a Nevermore student did it. I listen with pricked ears, interested with the new information, as we walk into Weems' office. My heart stutters as I see Autumn sitting in one of the chairs, a small patch around where she hit her head. But other than that, she's relatively unscathed. And staring intensely at me with those pretty green eyes. Pretty? Did I really just call her eyes pretty? Well they are but- nevermind. It's a normal thing for people to say other people's eye colour is pretty. Very normal. She offers a small smile, and I take a seat next to her as Weems tries to argue that Rowan has just run away.

"Dead people are notoriously bad at returning phone calls." I snap, after Weems makes a stupid statement about calling his phone. Autumn covers her smile with her hand, a small laugh escaping her. Weems glares at her, but her smile remains, and I allow myself to turn my lips upwards ever so slightly back at her.

"What were you two doing out in the woods with him?" The sheriff asks us both, eyeing us suspiciously.

"I heard a noise, so I went to go investigate. That's when I stumbled upon the attack." I lie easily.

Autumn nods, backing me up before adding to her story. "I had heard screams, so I found them both, the monster attacking Rowan. I had tried to heal him, but I was too weak." She says.

"And how exactly did you obtain that head injury?" The sheriff asks, his tone accusatory. I glower at him, but he is too busy staring at Autumn.

"I tripped while running into the forest. Hit my head on a rock." Autumn delivers her words perfectly, but the statement itself is unconvincing and we all know it.

"You tripped and hit your head on a stone?" He raises a brow at her. She nods, swallowing hard.

"The doctors report says you hit it at against something flat, but hard." The sheriff continues, and I curl my fists in anger at what Rowan did. "And the shape of it suggests its unlikely that it was a rock."

Autumn shrugs. "It was dark. Maybe it wasn't a rock. Or maybe a weirdly shaped one. I don't know."

The sheriff lets out a sigh but drops it. He turns to me.

"What happened after Rowan was attacked?"

"I helped Autumn, as she passed out beside me, likely due to the injury, and ran into Bianca Barclay, and asked her for help." I say, my voice even, only a slight shake at Autumn's name.

"Next thing I remember I woke up in my dorm." After I had gotten Autumn medical attention, the rest of the night was a blur, and I vaguely remember Enid holding my arm and guiding me to our dorm, helping me to bed.

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