Chapter 10

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After seeing Weems, I make my way back to Autumn's dorm. I take a moment before raising my hand and knocking on the door. Autumn opens the door, her eyes looking less puffy and red than they were before, and I follow her inside. She sits on her bed, her arms crossed defensively, and I sit beside her. 

"I-" I try to begin, but I don't know what to say. How to word things. I'm not good at this stuff. "I'm sorry." 

Autumn raises a brow, looking genuinely surprised at my apology.

I continue. "I haven't been treating you fairly. I haven't been considering your emotions in our ... friendship. I've been selfish. And for that I am sorry." 

"Thank you." She starts, but I hold up a hand. I'm not done. 

"You asked me to come back to you when I figured out what I was to you. Friendship doesn't seem to fit. It feels like more than that. I'm not good with relationship terms, and relationships in general, but I believe the appropriate thing I should be asking, is if- well- If you wanted to... maybe, have a, uh." I clear my throat. "A relationship. Together. Us. Romantically." 

I cringe at how awkwardly it came out, but a smile creeps up Autumn's face, her cheeks burning red. 

"Are you asking me to be your girlfriend, Wednesday Addams?" She teases, shifting closer to me. 

I scowl, my face flushing in embarrassment. "Yes. Something like that." 
I look at the ground, my heart racing. 

"Yes, Wednesday, I would love to be your girlfriend." She slips her hand into mine, and I look up, heat rushing through my body. She leans in closer, her scent swirling around me, intoxicatingly. 

"I've never had a girlfriend before." She whispers, her cool breath touching my lips, making me shiver. 

"Neither have I." I admit. I look down, but Autumn tilts my head back up with her hand, making me look at her. I shiver, and suddenly feel very nervous. 

Her lips pull into a smirk. "Am I making you nervous?" 

I scowl.

"Cute." She whispers. Suddenly, nothing else in the world matters. Not the monster, not Rowan, nothing. Only the girl in front of me. 

I lean forward, capturing her lips, my body leaning over hers. She whimpers in surprise, but melts into my touch, and I gently push her down so I am on top of her. Our lips move in a steady rhythm against each other, and she slips her tongue into my mouth, making me shiver, and I savour the taste of her as our tongues twirl around each other. Her hands slide down my sides, tracing my body, and I lean into her touch. The only sound in the room is our heavy breathing. She pulls away from the kiss for a moment, her cheeks red, her green eyes sparkling. 

"I love you, Wednesday." She whispers, her hand tracing my jawline. For a moment, I'm stunned. But then I realise. 

"I love you too, Autumn. I always have. I just don't think I realised." I whisper, before capturing her lips again. 


I'm on Autumn's bed, leaning against the wall, with Autumn laying in my lap. We've been quiet, in comfortable silence, for a few minutes, just enjoying each other's company. I'm tracing white scars that run across her arm, finding beauty in every one of them. 

"Wednesday?" She asks, looking up and breaking the silence. 

"Yes, my love?" I murmur. 

"What did you have to tell me before?" She asks, looking up at me through her lashes, her green eyes settling on mine. 

"We were right. Rowan did die. Weems can shape-shift, and the day we saw Rowan, it was just her." 

"I knew I sensed something off about 'Rowan' that day." She murmurs. 

"While we were talking, we heard a commotion outside, and someone lit the grass on fire in the words 'fire will rain'." I continue to fill her in, playing with her hair. 

"Huh, wonder what that's supposed to mean." 

"You actually missed out on quite a bit today. The DNA on the cloth I stole from Xavier's art studio came back, and it didn't match the DNA of the claw. But Xavier is still on my suspect list regardless." 

"I fucking hate him." Autumn grumbles, nestling into me more. 

"When I was getting the cloth to run DNA on Xavier and the claw, he ran into me. Realised the real reason why I asked him to the dance. He said that you 'put nothing into relationships', 'wouldn't help him with anything', and he caught you 'trying to help Bianca manipulate him." 

Autumn sighs. "Xavier and I used to be friends. Except he didn't understand why I didn't like crowded environments and how being around lots of pain or emotions impacted me. I turned down a lot of invitations to hang out if I knew they would have a lot of people there, which is why he would say that I wouldn't put anything into our friendship." 

I nod as she continues. "After that, he stopped really seeing me as a friend, and more as something he could use to his advantage. He asked for 'help', asking me to feel the emotions around Bianca and other people so that he could figure out what to do with his relationships. I declined because I don't like intentionally feeling other peoples emotions and telling them to other people because emotions are personal, and it felt like he was trying to use me."

"And when he caught you trying to help Bianca manipulate him?" I ask, realising how poorly Xavier treated her. 

"Bianca had pulled me aside after another one of their fights. One of the more intense fights, actually. Asked me if I could influence emotions. I guess that's the part Xavier overheard. But he didn't stick around for the rest, obviously, because I told her that I was capable of that, but have never done it, because it feels intrusive and manipulative. It's not right. So I told her I wouldn't get involved. After that he started ignoring me, and started telling people to stay away from me and making up all these rumours." 

"I'm sorry he did that. That's unfair. He didn't deserve you as a friend." I murmur, taking her hand. Only then do I notice a bruise blossoming on her knuckles. I frown. 

"Hey, whats this?" I gently brush around the bruised area. 

"Oh, it's nothing, I was just.. uh... upset, earlier. I decided to punch a wall. Nothing major." She sounds embarrassed. 

"Was this after our fight?" I ask, feeling guilty.

"Yeah." She answers, looking down. "I was trying not to rely on any unhealthy coping strategies, but I had to let it out so... yeah." 

"I'm sorry I wasn't there for you. If you're going to punch something though, make sure it's Xavier's face next time." 

She giggles. "Yeah, definitely." 

"Do you think Eugene saw anything while staking out the cave?" I ask, changing the conversation, my mind spinning. 

"I think so. I mean, there has to be a reason the monster attacked him. Maybe he saw something, or who the monster was, and that's why it attacked." Autumn mumbles, her voice growing sleepy. 

"I think you should go to sleep, my love." I whisper into her ear. 

"I'm not tired." She protests, her eyes already half shut. 

"Don't lie to me." 

She pouts. "I don't want you to leave." 

"Then I'll stay with you." I murmur. 

"M'kay." She agrees happily, as I pull the blanket over us, holding Autumn close. 

"Goodnight Autumn." I whisper. 

But Autumn doesn't respond because she is already asleep. 

A/N: Sorry for the short chapter, I'll have Chapter 11 / episode 6 of the show out in the next few days! I hope you are enjoying the story, and please comment any thoughts/ideas/feedback or general comments!

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