Chapter 7

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(I'm not writing the scene where Wednesday snuck into the morgue so we are gonna pretend she's already done that for the sake of this book's plot)

"Rise and shine lovebirds!" A shrill voice startles me awake. Only, I'm not alone in my bed. Autumn's body is nestled into my chest, my arms wrapped around her frame. I feel Autumn stir against me, a soft sigh leaving her lips. 

I scowl at Enid, who is standing beside my bed, her hands clasped together and her face wearing a smug expression. 

"Is this what I think it is?" She asks, barely containing her squeal. 

"No." I grumble, sliding out of bed with a sharp glare pointed at Enid. Autumn rubs her eyes with a groan, and tumbles out of bed after me, still sleepy. 

"I'm going to go to my dorm to get ready" Autumn begins, pausing to yawn. "While you deal with ... this." She gestures to Enid, her eyes still closed as she speaks. 

I nod as Autumn stumbles out of the room. I liked sleepy Autumn. She was peaceful, and oddly .. cute. I scowl internally at my choice of words. What was I becoming? 

I turn to face Enid with a neutral expression, and she beams back at me, bouncing on her feet. 


"I knew it! I knew you two would get together!" She squeals. "You're both so morbid and introverted, and both of you are weird about physical touch!" 

I scowl, but she continues. 
"Wednesday Addams and Autumn Faith Brown, dating. Oooh, we need a ship name! Wait until my blog hears about this!"

"We are not dating, and put that on your blog and you'll wake up with no fingers."

Enid winces. "Okay, soooo no blog, got it. But, if you aren't dating then explain to me why Autumn Brown was in your bed then." She wiggles her eyebrows, a gleam in her eyes. 

I sigh, rubbing my forehead. "She was upset when she came in last night. I did what I believe the appropriate thing was to do, and hugged her. She got sleepy and I offered for her to stay over. That's it." 

"OMG You hugged somebody!? Who are you and what have you done with Wednesday Addams?" Enid gasps dramatically. After a pause, she places her hand over her chest. "I'm proud of you Wednesday. Does this mean we can hug now?" She smiles, opening her arms. 


She drops her arms. "That's okay, I won't take it to heart. I know your hugs are reserved for your one true love. I ship it." 

"Autumn is not my-" 

"Yeah yeah I know, whatever. But she will be." Enid smiles, and dances out of the room with a happy grin on her face. 

- Time skip to class -

I sit next to Autumn, as usual, tuning out Ms Thornhill. I already knew the content anyway. Autumn was wearing (Options below, or your imagination). 


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