That Bitch - Kyle

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I stand at the bus stop in the snow. Like any other day except to my surprise I'm early to the stop today. Usually I'm the third one, after Kenny and Stan but before Cartman and Butters. I stand silently.

Ike's 10th birthday is coming up which feels weird, I swear just yesterday I was 10. I miss being 10 everything seemed so simple. Cartman keeps calling me gay because I haven't really had a girlfriend before. But that dosnt make me gay Cartmans just piece of shit! Though I might be... doesn't matter! It's not like I'd tell anyone if I was I mean clearly Cartmans a dick and... I guess I don't know anyone else's opinions but it doesn't matter anyways because I'm not gay (denial is a River in Egypt...)

My phone buzzes in my pocket which brings me out of my head and I see Stan walking to the stop. "What's up dude!" He shouts to me. "Not much!" I shout in reply. He wraps me in a hug when he gets close and I smile. He releases me and then I hear a familiar voice scream "YOU GUYS ARE SO GAY! AHAHAHA THE JEWS GAY!" Cartman screams. I blush embarrassed. "FUCK OFF FATASS!" I scream back at him. "HEY!" Cartman screams again. "I'm not fat. I'm big boned!" Cartman says as he gets closer. "Sure..." Stan says rolling his eyes.

Kenny and Butters finally arrive too. "Hey what's up Kenny!" Stan says. Kenny just smirks and holds up a porno magazine that he stole from his dad (I assume from his dad anyways).

"Kenny you need to stop brining those to school remember when the teacher found you with it?" Butters sighs. Kenny just laughs. He flips through it and Butters peeks over his shoulder before blushing and looking away quickly. "Ohhh You want a peek Butters?" Kenny teases him and Butters just turns more red.

Mrs.Crabtree finally pulls up in the crappy yellow bus we've been riding since forever.

(At School)
I do my normal sitting and chatting with Kenny and Butters and occasionally Stan when he's not with Wendy. When he is with Wendy I swear I barley see him. Cartman usually is swapping spit with that girl Heidi. So today it's just me Kenny and Butters.

Kenny (finally) has stuffed the porno magazine into his bag because a teacher almost caught him. He fidgets with the strings of his orange jacket that he always wears though he doesn't wear the hood as much anymore. Well he still does but he has a lot of confidence these days so he doesn't hide his face all the time. I'm happy for him.

"Yeah Mrs.Shells such a dick," he sighs. I nod in agreement. "She's not that bad," Butters says. "Mr.Lund is worse," he adds. "True," I say. "Yeah but—" he starts but is interrupted by Stan turning the corner with red puffy red eyes.

"Are you okay dude?" Kenny asks. "Does it look like he is dumbass?!" I quip back. "What happened?" Butters asks. "Wendy she was making out with Clyde- the bathroom- in the bathroom," he manages to spit out shakily. "Woah isn't he dating Bebe?!" Kenny questions. Stan nodded. "That bitch!" I shout.. "What happened? Did you confront her?" Butters asked him. He slides his back down the wall and sits next to me and takes a deep breath. "Yeah... she practically shoved Clyde off her when she saw me and tried to act innocent at..."

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