Just A Girl I Hate - Stan

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As I pull my phone out I'm both angry and sad to see that it's Wendy. I can feel both rage and sadness balled up in my chest. I've tried to avoid her. More than anything I've tried to avoid her.

Everyone watches while I click the answer button. "Hey," I say gloomily. "Hey Stan," She sneers. "What do you want," I shoot back snappily. "Damn okay, we'll skip the 'How are you doing?' I guess," she replies. I stay silent. "I need to talk to you. Today, in fact, meet me... does out front of the school work at 1:30 work?" she asks. I groan "Yeah... yeah that's fine." I hang up before she says anything else.

I set down my phone calmly. Nobody says anything for a minute, I don't think anyone has anything to say. All I can feel is pure anger now.  Anger boiled in my stomach and in my chest. Anger in my balled-up fists.

"Do you guys wanna play Super Smash Bros?" Kyle asks awkwardly in an attempt to defuse the situation.

This awkward attempt reminds me that Kyle has never been the most amazing at emotions. He's a bottle-it-up kinda guy. Though recently he's gotten a lot better it's still his tendency to avoid, avoid, avoid. It's something he's actively had to try and not so because it leads him into outbursts. Thanks to this though he is a master at defusing emotionally tense situations because he often does that when he is uncomfortable.

I nod taking a deep breath. "Yeah let's play some smash," I say as calmly as I'm able to. "Cool," Cartman says standing up to turn on the switch. "I say we play this like a tournament whoever loses has to do the dishes. Instead of the going forward the losers do, they battle each other and then the ultimate loser does dishes," He explains. We all nod in unanimous agreement. "Clearly Kyle is exempt since he made us all food," Kenny says. Everyone nods.

The first match is me vs Kenny. I barely beat him. Then Cartman and Butters play. Much to my surprise Butters destroys Cartman with Kirby.

So Cartman and Kenny face-off, looser has to do all the dishes. After a grueling 14 minutes, Kenny is able to finish Cartman off. Kenny smiles and cheers. In contrast, Cartman shouts angrily as Kyle practically forces him into the kitchen with all of his force. Kyle has to use all his body weight and call Butters over to help shove Cartman into the damn kitchen but he eventually is at the sink washing dishes.

So while Cartman grumbles and whines about the dishes the rest of us start another round. It boils down to Kenny and Butters. Princess Peach (Kenny) Vs Kirby (Butters). We all endlessly bully Kenny for being Peach but he kicks ass as Princess Peach.

At first, I swear Kenny is going to win but then Butters starts getting kills. In the end somehow Butters manages to beat Kenny. Playfully Kenny punches Butters in the arm. They both laugh."Good job!" Butters smile. "Good game Butterscotch," Kenny laughs, his smile just as wide and genuine as Butters.

Just as the round finishes, my phone buzzes in my pocket. Sometimes having a phone fucking sucks. Can't escape anyone having contact with you at any time. I open the message. It's from my mom so I decided to reply to it.

Sharon- Hey Stan me and your father want you home, please text me and then head home when you read this. Love you ❤️

Stan- Hi Mom, I'm at Cartman's now, be home soon. Love u too

Damn, that kinda sucks. Not that I don't wanna go home, I was just enjoying being around my friends.

"My parents want me home," I tell my friend as I stand. "You should take a few mints, your breath smells like alcohol," Kenny advises me and reaches into his pocket. He pulls out a small tin container of mints and hands me three. "Thanks, Kenny," I nod.

I make sure I have my stuff and then I make my way to the door. "Wait! can I walk you home?" Kyle shouts as I'm about to leave. "Uhm sure," I reply. He's so caring, I'm lucky to have a friend like him. He quickly grabs his stuff and stands at the door with me. We say our goodbyes to everyone and then leave.

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