Stars, Snow, and Sour Candy - Kyle

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Stan and I step out into the icy air of the south park. After quietly shutting the door (because Cartman won't let us leave if he catches us), I shove my hands into my pockets. It's pretty chilly out tonight, there is even a bit of snow falling around us.

We walk down the road chatting about nothing important. Random shit from our classes mostly. We walk to the foot of a hill. At the top is a wonderful view of the stars and a nice overview of our little town.

It's probably the most common place for romantic dates in our entire town. I'm sure Stan and Wendy have come here before. That makes me jealous; That Wendy got to be here with him, she probably kissed him up here. I'd be surprised if she didn't but it still makes me crazy.

"You and Wendy ever come here?" I ask as we trudge up the hill. "No... I wasn't a great boyfriend... I should have taken her here I guess," he tells me. "So you've never been on a date here?" I ask. "Have you?" he quips back. "You know I haven't."

The top of the hill is truly stunning and the fact that here with the most attractive boy I can imagine makes it even better. He sits down and I sit next to him (nice and close). "This place is kinda neat," I admit.

Just then I hear the crinkling of a bag. I turn my head to see Stan holding a back of my favorite sour candy. I reach for it and grasp at the air as Stan pulls it out of reach from me. "No thank you? Or please?" he teases me. I roll my eyes dramatically "Thank you for bringing the best candy ever, can I please have some?"  I grumble jokingly. Pretty much as soon as I finish the sentence Stan tosses the bag to me. I barley catch it but I'm glad I did because it nearly flys over my head.

I munch on a few and give one to Stan even though I know he doesn't like them nearly as much as I do. I wonder why he didn't just get his favorite? Weird.

"Wanna use a trash can lid and sled down the hill?" Stan asks me with a mischievous smile. "Dude do you wanna die? We'll totally crash into one of the trees," I tell him. He laughs "c'mon live a little Ky!" he chants. "We're only 14 once!"

I sigh and Stan extends his arm to help me up. I take it and he yanks me up. He starts running down the hill and I smile a little and follow him, running as well. The air on my face feels chilly and refreshing simultaneously.

When we reach the bottom I can hear the both of us panting a little. "I should not be tired-" he pants "that is not a big hill!" he adds. We look at eachother, both tired and panting. And we start laughing not for any reason. We just laugh and it feels beyond perfect.

After we stop laughing, we start to look for a trashcan lid. Eventually we find one for each of us and trek back up the hill.

I carefully set my lid at the top and Stan carelessly plops his next to mine. "Careful, if it slides down the hill without you I'm not letting you sled down with me," I joke. He sits on his sled and uses his feet to keep it from moving. " I know, it's not my first time sledding with you." I sit on my sled next to him.

"Lets hold hands on the way down, so outbsled stay together," I suggest. "Wouldnt you rather race?" he asks me. "Well duh, but not on the first round of sledding, we gotta break our path in the snow, so it gets real slick and fast," I explain. He shrugs and reaches his hand out. I reach mine out and intertwine our fingers. "Three... two... one... GO!" He shouts. We pick our feet up off the ground and tuck them onto our sleds so that we can start moving. And... were off. Breeze blows harshly on my face and I break out smiling.

Funny how this dumbass can get me to do anything. If Cartman or Kenny had suggested this on a hill with this many trees I would have never done it. Or at least not without some thorough peer pressure or bribery. But here I am.

"Shit!" I shout as I realize I'm right in course to fly into a tree. "Lean toward me!" Stan shouts. I listen and lean, it's to late though so I jump off the sled away from Stan and into the fluffy snow.

From the bottom of the hill Stan shouts "are you okay?" I brusb some snow off me as I stand up. "I'm good!" I shout back at him. He grabs his old and runs up the hill toward me. I expect him to stop but he doesn't. He tackles me to the ground and we both land in the snow "Hey!" I shout while laughing as I sink into the snow. I flip the both of us onto our sides and I shove some snow at him. He shoves even more snow back at me and climbs on top of me. He pins my arms to the ground and places one of his knees on either side of me.

I look at up at him and he looks down at me. I can see the stars twinkle behind him. He actually looks really fucking cute right now. I start to blush and I try to roll over to hide it but he has me pinned down really well. He's so cute. Shit. Him having me pinned down doesn't make me blush any less.

I expect him to shove some snow on my face or something but he doesn't. In fact I think he's blushing too? I'm shocked that he leans in. He leans in and... KISSES ME?!?!?!

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