Love - Stan (Epilogue 2/2)

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Well, shit.


As expected he did kick me out. I'm standing out front of my house with my backpack full of clothes and a few other important things.

"You can come back when you're normal," he had told me.  His words echoed in my head again and again. Each time it repeats my heart shatters a little more. My tears cloud my vision and my hands tremble as I click on Kenny's contact. I take a deep breath and pause before I click call. I train my eyes on the sky while the phone rings, trying to calm my overactive thoughts. I stumble away from my house; Though I guess it's not really mine anymore.

"Hey Stan," Kenny says when he picks up my call. "Hey th- this is gonna be kinda w- weird but uhm... can I crash at y- your house?" I mumble to the phone a little shakily. "Yeah of-" he starts. "Like for a while..? I'll get a job but my dad kinda just threw me out... uhm...I- I don't have many options."

For a second there's an awkward silence. He doesn't know how to react. "Shit. Seriously-?! Yeah. Come over now dude, don't even worry about it!" he assures me. "Ok... Thanks. I'll be there in a few," I say with a forced smile, but I'm not sure why, it's not like anyone is watching.


The last few days I've been staying at Kenny's, sleeping on the floor next to his bed. I've been searching for a job too, so I can afford to feed myself. I haven't eaten much over the last few days because I refuse to eat the little food that the McCormick's have. Our school doesn't offer breakfast so I practically devour the lunch but I'm starting to run out of lunch money.

Now though, I'm standing at the bus stop with Kenny. We've been walking together every day. He's been great, his parents... well they haven't kicked me out at least—better parenting than mine are doing at the moment I guess.

"I heard that Wendy and Clyde got caught making out behind the bleachers by Bebe," Kenny tells me with a smirk, "I sense a catfight coming on." I nod, Bebe is gonna beat the shit out of Wendy. "God I hope I get to see that, I want front-row seats," I admit. "Same here dude. It going to be wild," he chuckles.

"Hey Stan, Kenny!" I hear Kyle shout. I turn to see him and instantly I'm smiling. "Hey!" I shout back. Kenny waves at him.

When he's next to me he grabs my hand and intertwines our fingers and plants a swift kiss on my cheek. I return it and playfully kiss his nose. "You guys are so sweet that it's physically painful," Kenny groans. "Have you seen you and Butters?" Stan raises an eyebrow and Kenny's face reddens. "Exactly, cool your fucking tits, your boyfriend will be here soon."

"Whatever... me and Stan were just talking about the fight that's gonna happen at school today," Kenny smiles. "Between Bebe and Wendy?" Kyle questions and receives a firm nod of confirmation from Kenny.


At school we walk in, holding hands, same as any other day. Today though he drags me to the bathroom rather than taking our usual walk to our wall spot.

"Are you ok?" I ask when we get inside the bathroom. "Yeah! I just wanted alone time with you," he tells me blushing a bit. "Very romantic location that you've picked," I tease him. He rolls his eyes at me.

"How's it been at Kenny's?" he asks me. "Fine. Really nothing interesting has happened. Still looking for a job," I inform him. "You sure you don't wanna just hide out at my house?" he offers. I can see how concerned he is but I shake my head. "I don't want you getting in trouble," I say. He sighs at this response.

He wraps his arms around me for a hug. Accepting it, I wrap my arms around him too. Hugs from Ky are the best. The way he hugs is just right; It makes you feel safe and warm. I tilt my head and give him a loving kiss on the cheek. "How'd I end up with such an awesome boyfriend?" I ask, grinning. I see him turn red and smile shyly. "You just got lucky I guess," he says to me.

The sound of the first bell rings obnoxiously overhead. "Seriously?" I blurt out. Kyle chuckles as we head for class.

Off to algebra, we go. I really hate this damn class. I think as I near the (noisy) classroom with Kyle next to me. We stand outside the door for a second. "Do you wanna skip?" Kyle asks. I nod with a smile. We turn and sneak out of the school's side door with no problems.

I can't help but draw parallels to the day all of this started. Not all that long ago me and Kyle ditched. I stayed over at his and my hungover ass kissed him. This is truly how this all started.

We walk to Starks Pond, again similar to that day. I feel like we always go here but it's because where the hell else would we go? South Park is a boring ass town dude.

As we get there a sense of deja vu is settling in. Clear as day is the memory of the day everything changed. Though today I don't plan on getting drunk and blacking out. We sit on the same bench that's semi-hidden from the road. I lay my head on his shoulder and exhale a breath I didn't know I was holding.

"I'm so glad we're not in Algebra right now," I tell Kyle. "Me too dude," he chuckles. His hand wraps around my waist smoothly and I can't help but grin and a certain warmth crawls up my neck and onto my face. "I think it's funny that we still call each other dude even though we're dating," I say. "Sorry, I've called you that so long it'd be weird not to," he explains. "It's okay, I think it's very... us," I assure him. He laughs and I do too.

Then it's quiet for a moment and I lift my head. I look into his eyes and he looks into mine. My breath is visible in front of me and he's so close that I can feel his. I glance at his lips, then back io at him. "Can I?" I ask. He nods, simultaneously turning bright red. I lean in and kiss him. I feel him grin into the kiss as I bring a hand up to cup his face.

Although it's just a kiss it makes me smile—a huge foolish smile. This one moment. It's made me feel like I'm floating. It tells me that it's all worth it. All the shit I get for being in love with him doesn't matter because of exactly that; I'm in love. I'm in love with him.

The end

It Was Always You / Style SouthparkOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora