Pizza - Kyle

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Stan calls me. He tells me Wendy broke up with him! I'm happy for him, we chat for a while before I hang up. I love hearing that dumbass voice. I could talk to him forever. I could listen to him talk forever.

I can't believe it's only Saturday. I wanna know what's up with Kenny and Butters so I grab my phone and text Kenny.

Kyle- hey

Kenny- hey

Kyle- do u wanna meet up at that one pizza place tmr for lunch?

Kenny- I have no money dude

Kyle- on me dumbass, I know your brokw
Kyle- *broke

Kenny- sure then! cya at like noon?

Kyle- yea, cya

The rest of Saturday is chill. I play Uno with Ike upon his request. He wins.

The next morning I do my usual Sunday morning shit and then meet Kenny at the pizza place as planned. He's already sitting at the table when I get there. He waves to me and I sit in the chair across from him. "Hey Kyle," He says. "Hey Kenny," I reply. "I'm just gonna order a pepperoni pizza is that fine?" I ask while pulling out my wallet. "Whatever is fine, you're the one paying dude," he tells me. I nod and go to order.

After I go sit back at the table. "What's up with you and Butters?" I ask him. He sighs and appears to think for a second. "Well nothing really, I mean I'm falling harder than ever but nothing has happened," He explains. "Love makes you feel really stupid right?" he laughs. I nod. I feel really stupid when I'm in love. So... helpless?

"I don't want to like him so much so I've been trying to pull away, it didn't work it's impossible to pull away," he tells me. "How about you and Stan?" he questions. I smile a little bit "Wendy broke up with him," I inform Kenny. Keny smiles "sweet, so you're gonna ask him out?" Kenny asks.

Oh shit, I didn't think about that. Should I? "Uhh.. I don't know." Kenny sighs. Maybe I should just suck it up and ask him out. Maybe it's that simple. I'm just too afraid to fuck up our friendship. I can't imagine not being friends with him.

"You'll figure it out eventually," Kenny assures me. I nod, I will eventually. Would it be a big deal if I told him? I mean if he rejects me like I assume he will we can just keep being friends. I mean maybe it'll be a little awkward. Unless it's really awkward and he starts not wanting to be around me and doesn't wanna be friends anymore. Ugh.

"Did you see that new episode of Terrance and Philip?" Kenny asks. I nod and swallow my bite of pizza. "Yeah but honestly Terance and Philip just isn't as good as it used to be, the show's been in a slump for the last few years," I complain. We chat about whatever for a while, then we go our separate ways home.

I distract myself for most of the day. Now I'm lying in bed and I have nothing else to think about. All I can think about is Stan. His smile. His voice. Just him. I decided not to worry about the complexities of being in love with my best friend and just let myself be in love. I smile (a probably stupidsmile) as I think about him. After a while, I fall asleep.

When I wake up I groan. Monday. Mondays suck ass. I roll out of bed. I put on a pair of baggy black jeans and a long-sleeved gray T-shirt and put my usual orange jacket over it. I pull my green hat over my fluffy orange hair but per usual the ends stick out of the bottom.

I arrive at the bus stop at my normal time and in my normal order. 3rd after Kenny and Stan. "Hey Kyle," they greet me in unison. "Hey guys," I respond. Stan smirks and bends down. He packs some snow into my hands and before I can even blink he throws a snowball at me. It hits me in the cheek.

"What the hell!" I shout and he just laughs. "You're so dead!" I grin as I wipe some of the snow off my cheek.

We both bend down to make a snowball and I'm first up and I hit him smack in the middle
Of the forehead and his snowball hits me in the chest. Kenny joins in too and when Cartman shows up we're all laughing and have bits of snow all over us.

"What happened to you idiots?" he glares at us. "Snowball fight!" Kenny cheers. "It was totally epic!" Stan adds. His cheeks are red from the bits of cold snow on his face. Kenny's face is red as well, so I'd imagine mine is too.

Kenny throws a snowball at Cartman and it hits him right in the nose and we all start laughing at him.

Stan gives Kenny a fist bump as the bus pulls up. Cartman angrily hobbles on and we all follow behind, snickering under our breaths. I sit next to Stan on the bus.

I don't get why he still looks so perfect all the time. Even tho we're all a bit of a wreck from the snowball fight he still looks amazing. He's so perfect.

Why am I so in love? Love sucks ass. It's the best and worst sensation ever.

Stan hands me an earbud and we listen to whatever on the way there. The bus ride feels shorter than normal and before I know it I'm sitting in my first class (algebra, ick).

A small paper ball rolls to my feet. I carefully (and quietly) uncrinkle the ball. In a familiar handwriting, it reads:

Hey, do u understand any of this crap?

I understand what the teacher is saying perfectly but I write back:


I ball it up and roll it to his feet. He picks it up. I focus on the teacher while I wait. After I minute I glance down and pick up the note. Maybe me and Stan will study tonight. Usually it's more like I help him out and after we hang out for a while. I open up the note.

Meet me in the bathroom in 5

I look across the room and I see Stan talking to the teacher she nods and he leaves the room. About 5 minutes later I walk over to the teacher and ask to use the restroom. When I get there, I'm confused because Stan isn't there???

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