Love - Kenny

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Even he was only 15 Kenny was kinda known for sleeping around (Kenny Mcwhoremick lmao). It's just under half way through freshman year and he's slept with 9 girls and 5 boys. Truth be told 3/9 girls he slept with while he was in middle school. He didn't deny it either, infact he was quiet proud of himself. He didn't really care who called him a whore because he was happy with himself. I mean at least he could pull unlike some kids in his grade. This is why he never pictured himself being in love. With Butters.

Leopold "Butters" Stotch. He was a little embarrassed to say it. Of course his friends knew he had slept around but he never really told them that he wasn't just sleeping with girls. Nor does he really plan to mention that he likes sleeping with men better when he did tell them. Well except he did tell Butters (not the sleeping around but, the "I'm bisexual" stuff). Butters of course was very chill about Kenny being bisexual because he admitted to Kenny that he was kinda questioning himself.

Him and Butters talked about everything. Their favorite topic as of recent was the vibes that were coming from Stan and Kyle. Butters didn't believe that either of them were gay at all, until recently anyways. They so clearly had a thing for each other that it was funny. Kenny just hoped that he wasn't that obvious with Butters because that was the one thing he hadn't told Butters. He couldn't bear the idea of fucking up their friendship.

(Which brings us to now, KENNYS POV FIRST PERIOD)
I sigh. School sucks. So while the teacher talks I let my mind wander. Butters. I think about him a lot recently. I never pictured myself having a serious crush on someone until at least senior year if not even later. Maybe never. But Butters...Butters is taller then me by probably 3 1/2 inches or so which I kinda like. Shorter girls, taller guys. His blue eyes were mesmerizing and he has (kinda-ish) abs (I saw once when he was changing). I'd describe him as kinda box shaped, like a rectangle. Lanky and boxed shaped.

I always go to his baseball games because I think he looks cute when he pitches. I love how genuine he is and I think it's so funny when he gets flustered. I even avoid getting high when I know I'll be around him because he hates it when I get high. He's literally so sweet and kind. Oh and not to mention as pure as the falling snow. Like way to pure for this life. Opposites attract? I don't know all I know is I really really like him. Does being in love always make you feel this foolish?

Though I love Butters dearly he's a fucking dumbass. Oblivious as hell. I could literally make out with him and he'd work some mental gymnastics and make it completely normal friend behavior. Oh and he's very innocent. Like he's not stupid but... actually no he is kinda stupid (as if I care I'm the one who's head over heels in love).

Ironic how the kid know for sleeping around and having a playboy bunny magazine confiscated has a crush on the most innocent kid in our grade.

When I zone back into class the bells already rang. I grin because my next class is with Butters. We meet in the hall like normal before class and mindlessly chat as we walk to class. "I can't believe he got back with Wendy," Butters mumbles. I shake my head. "Neither can I. I really thought they were done this time, he's a dumb fuck" I grumble. "Wendy totally manipulated him," Butters grunts. "I really thought him and Kyle had something," he adds. I sigh. "They do, I just think they're both in denial, and like you said Stans being manipulated so he isn't super focused on his feelings for Kyle," I explain to him. Butters nods. We walk over to our normal seats, right next to each other.

The teacher mumbles on and on and on when Butters slides me a note.

Why don't you take your hood off today?

I pick up my pencils and scratch out a reply.

Cause my hairs is shit today.

I slide the note back to him he scribbles something and slide it back to me and gives me a soft smile. 

That's okay you look just as cute with your hood on as you do with it off

I blush and pull hard of the strings of my coat to hide it. He just smiles and goes back to listening to the teacher. I can't help but smile. I burry my face in my arms like I usually do in this class anyways. Was he flirting with me? No, he's so stupid he was probably just trying to be friendly. I'm grateful he's in this class with me. I steal the notes from Butters so I don't have to pay attention in this class. He takes excellent notes and has nearly perfect hand writing. It's admirable how good of a student he is.

Years ago I used to try but I kinda just stopped caring, my goal is just graduation. Butters wants to be valid victorian. It stresses him out sometimes — like a lot — but mostly he manages it. All I know is I really like him and I really hope he feels the same even if I'm pretty sure he doesn't. I feel like a fucking fool. I'm not used to caring this much about the people I find cute. Usually it's a one night thing.

"Kenny! Sit up!" Yells Mrs.WhateverHerFuckingNameIs. I slowly sit up. "What?" I ask dazed. "We're you paying any attention?!" She scolds me. "Ugh... do you think I was paying attention? I wasn't you dumb bitch," I grumble. "Kenny! Office now!" She snaps. Whatever. "Fuck you," I grumble on my way out.

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