A Hurricane - Stan (Epilougue 1/2)

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Shelly went through a Hamilton phase; I heard every song from that musical at least a million times. It prevented me from ever going through a Hamilton phase myself.

But there's this one song where it's like "in the eye of a hurricane there is quiet, for just a moment,"

That is exactly what I think now is. It's the eye of the hurricane. No more Hamilton references for now though.

I take a deep breath and lay there quietly. Knowing that soon we need to get up, get dressed and get to school. I both want to check the post and would rather die than check the post.

"We need to get up," Kyle breathily whispers into my ear. He sits, slowly and with a half hearted smile. I can see that he doesn't want to let the moment go either. We both know we have to.

I swing my legs over the edge of the bed and stand up. Stretching for the sky, I let out a loud yawn. "Should I check the post?" I ask. "Probably," he begins to stand, "get a feel for the vibe were gonna get at school."

"Then, here goes nothing," I mumble as I open my phone. I'm greeted with the sight of lots of notifications.

I click on the post, it has a decent amount of likes and some comments. "Read them," Kyle says. My finger hovers the comment button for a moment then I click it. "What's it say," he ask, his voice more nervous this time.

I angle my phone so Kyle can read it too and I feel the world start spinning. The first comments reads "congrats dude!" It's from Tweek. There's a few like that I smile at them but then I start to get further into the comments...


I went through that has when I was younger too, it'll pass.

Ru sure ur gay? U look straight

What the hell does that even mean? I think as
I read over the last comment. It makes my stomach tie in a knot. An anxious knot of fears.

Kyle grabs phone from my hands and sets it face down between us. "Ignore them dude," he says. I can't. The comments run through my head again. And again. Again. Again. Again.

He grabs my hand, I look at him and he gives me a soft smile. "We gotta go soon, I'm gonna change in the bathroom."

I sit on his bed alone. Silence rings in my ears and thoughts race in my head. The urge to read more comments is undeniable.uncontrollable. I have to do it. I grab my phone and start to read more. I feel sick to my stomach. Then  the sound of Kyle's footsteps makes me throw the phone down next to me.

I change into some clothes I brought with me. Kyle reminds me that I have to climb out of the window again. I cling to the tree I take a deep breath and scooch down the tree and then take a leap off of it. I land on my feat (luckily).

"You ready for the stop? I'm sure our friends know now," Kyle says. "Yeah I'm ready," I say even though I know I'm not. "No going back now."

"Hey guys!" Kenny shouts and waves as we approach. "Hey Kenny!" Kyle waves back. "I saw your post congrats dudes," Kenny grins as us. "Thanks," we say im unison.

After a bit fatass appears but I'm surprised when he doesn't say anything. Am I seeing tolerance? From Cartman?! Man I didn't think I'd live long enough to see that.

Sometimes I forget he can actually be not an asshat. Once in a blue moon he is actually chill.

When we get to school I feel people glaring holes into the back on head. Stop it. Stop staring at me. Oh my god fuck off! Kyle yawns next to me as we walk "I'm so tired. School sucks ass," Kyle complains. Does he not feel everyone watching him or is he ignoring it? "Uh- yeah," I mumble.

We sit against our usual wall and I still catch glances from people walking by but nobody is brave enough to come over to a secluded hall just to stare.

I lean into Kyle resting my head on his shoulder.
"Did you see everyone staring?" I whisper to him anxiously. "Just ignore them, they'll all have forgotten by lunch."


I sigh loudly as I take my seat next to Kyle. Everyone had in fact not forgotten. Our day has been filled with weird questions, subtle glances, mean stares and mumbled comments. Some congratulations and kind smiles too but unfortunately very few of those.

"Shitty ass day huh?" Kenny asks. I nod lazily. Shitty ass last few days. People are assholes and I'm too afraid to go home because I know I'm just gonna kicked out as soon as I step inside.

"It won't always suck guys!" Butters attempts to encourage us. "Yeah but it really fucking sucks shit right now," Kyle retorts snappily. "What's with the stick up your ass Kyle?" Cartman mumbles. Kyle lets out a big breath, "sorry."

I see his hand on the bench next to me and take the opportunity to place my hand on top of his and give him an encouraging smile.

Tonight, I plan to sneak into my house and grab some more clothes. I'll probably ask Kenny if I can crash at his tomorrow. I know I can't just sleep at Kyle's forever. Thought I wouldn't mind it. My dad should be at work late tonight and my mom should be busy. With luck I can sneak in and out without anyone seeing me. I think I'm stealthy enough.


I gently turn the handle and creep up the stairs. I toss shirt and pants into my bag. Hopefully some of these shirts are actually good shirts. I have no idea what I'm grabbing. With my bag stuffed I zip it up and start to deep down stairs once more.

Just as I get to the bottom of the stairs I see someone I've been dreading to see. It's my dad. None other than my dad, Randy Marsh.

Well, shit.

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