I Like You (Romantically) - Kenny

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I wake up early the next morning to get ready for school. I brush my hair and teeth. Then I find something to wear. Baggy blue jeans (they're about 2 sizes too big but baggy sounds nicer) and an old white T-shirt that has a funny little picture of the Grim Reaper on it. I zip up my infamous orange parka and pull the hood over my head.

I make my way to the bus stop and per usual I'm the first one there. I stand silently. "Hey, Kenny!" Butters shouts or me as he approaches. "Hey, Butters!" I respond. As a usual part of my morning routine, I attempt to flirt with a clueless Butters. "You look really cute today Butterscotch," I smile. "Thanks, you look nice today yourself!" he says cheerily. I sigh, "Thanks."

I think I just need to tell him. He's never gonna understand anything other than me flat-out saying it. How am I supposed to say something like that? I'll figure it out. Whatever I say I need to be very very clear. Like stupidly clear.

"O- oh yeah! That reminds me I made you something!" Butters grins while digging in his pockets. He pulls out a beaded bracelet. He holds it out to me. "It's for you, it says your name, see?" Butters adds. I grab it from his hand and examine it. It's made of orange pony beads, the orange is the same color as my parka, and in the middle are letter beads it says, Kenny. On either side of my name is a red heart letter bead.

I blush at the sweet gesture and wrap him in a hug "Thanks, Butters." I slide the bracelet on my wrist and make sure that the letters are on the top of my wrist. "'Course!" Butters replies. I release him from my hug. "Hey guys!" Kyle shouts. "Hey, Kyle!" Butters greets him.

A while later, with everyone at the stop, the bus pulls up. I hop on the bus, Leo takes the window seat and I sit next to him. "Play tic-tac-toe with me?" He asks me playfully. It's less of a question and more of a plan because he's already drawing the board on the foggy window when I nod. I win a round then it's mostly cat games until we get to school.

Butter's POV
(POV switch?! MID CHAPTER?!)

I smile as me and Kenny walk off the bus. I smile even more when I look down at the bracelet I made him. I think he likes it. Truthfully I made it because I can't stop thinking about him. I have a huge crush on him. I think he likes me back but what if I'm wrong and he hates me? I've been told I am oblivious at times! What if he thinks I'm annoying but I'm just too thick skulled to realize it?

Last night though. I couldn't stop thinking about him. So I made him a bracelet. I made it orange cause I think that's his favorite color. If not at least it matches his parka. I would spend every second with him if I could.

I trudge along slightly behind Kenny, following him to the normal spot where we all sit against the wall. Today everyone is here, even Cartman (unfortunately). The wall is a fairly small space. It's a corner created by the end of a row of PE lockers in a hall that people rarely come down in the mornings. Today the wall's pretty crowded since all five of us are here.

"Heidi totally hates you, dude," I hear Kyle say as I zone back in. "She does not!" He grumbles in response. "Totally does," Stan says, agreeing with Kyle. "You broke her window with a rock," Kyle adds. "Yeah, and it had a note! It said 'Hey, your cewl' It was a romantic gesture," he huffs. "Yes, it was very romantic when she had glass in her room at 2 am," Kyle sneers. "well.. shut up your stupid jew!" Cartman hisses back.

I feel a hand on mine, I glance down. It's Kenny's. I feel a warmth creep its way across my face. Does he like me? No! He probably doesn't even notice his hands on mine. We're all just squished together so his hand just happens to be where mine is...

Kenny's POV

I deliberately put my hand on Butters hand. I can't tell if he even noticed. He's facing away from me, talking to the others so I can't see his face well either.

I pull my hood off with the hand that isn't on Butters. The bell's about to ring. I stand upright as the bell rings. "Weak," Cartman mumbles. Butters walks next to me, and off to first period we go. Eventually, he breaks away cause we don't have first period together, unfortunately.

I find my seat and the bell rings. I think I'll ask Butters to hang out after school today. Maybe I can tell him then? Yeah. No point in chickening out, either he does or he doesn't right?

It goes as planned, Butters agrees to hang out at Starks Pond with me after school. Now I just have to wait for the end of the day. It trudges along. Eventually, though it's 7th period and I'm just waiting for the bell to ring. I grin as it does and go to meet Butters out front.

I spot him on a bench. "Hey," I say and sit on the bench next to him. "Hiya!" Butters smiles. "Ready to walk to Stark's Pond?" I ask. He nods as he stands. I stand as well and we start our walk. We chat mindlessly on the way there. When we get there I lead him to a bench that's far back in the corner of the park. 

"Do you like the bracelet?" Butters asks and grabs my wrist to see that it's still there. "I love it, dude," I assure him. "That's good, I was scared you'd think it's stupid," he tells me and lets go of my wrist. "When I was making it I kept dropping the string, there's beads all over my floor," he laughs. Makes sense, he's a butter(s) fingers (ahaha pun intended, sorry that was so stupid).

"You didn't have to make it you know," I tell him. "I wanted to though," he says with a kind smile.

I don't know if he can feel it but in the silence I feel like I'm drowning in the tension of my unspoken emotions. I hope we can still be friends after I say this. "Butters, I have to say something," I state. He looks at me curiously, "Ok, shoot." I sigh. Butterflies stir in my stomach. Though the butterflies might have axes and chainsaws. Normally, I'm not quite so nervous to confess to someone. Normally, I don't like somebody this much.

"I like you," I say, my face redder than ever. He opens his mouth to reply. "Romantically!" I blurt before he can say anything. He blushes and smiles at me. "I got you the first time Kenn," he tells me. "Oh sorry... I do though. I hope we can still be friends sorry if this is weird," I sigh.

He leans in and so close that when he whispers I can feel his breath on my lips. "I like you too Kenny." My face turns redder (if that's even possible) and gets even hotter despite the chilly air. "Romantically," he adds before he puts our lips together. I happily melt into the kiss. I move my hand to his neck. Slowly the kiss gains a little passion. I lick his bottom lip asking for entrance but Butters pulls away.

I look into his eyes and I feel a foolish smile tugging the corners of my mouth. Butters smiles back at me. "Do you wanna be my boyfriend?" I ask him. "I thought that kiss meant I was," he replies. "You're still supposed to ask," I chuckle. He grabs my hand and I almost flinch a little because his hand is freezing cold. "Yes."

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