Super Best Boyfriends - Stan/Kyle

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"Will you be my boyfriend Stan?" Kyle asks. His question rings in my ears. Quiet at first and then louder and louder until I break out smiling. "Yes," I reply simply. I see Kyle's panic wash off his (gorgeous) face and soon his smile matches the joy of mine.

"Really?" he asks. "Nah I'm fucking with you, Yes really you idiot!" I playfully joke with him. He chuckles at my remark and intertwines our fingers gently.

At first I was scared. Scared that this would mess up our friendship. It might. But I don't think it will ruin it, I think even if this went awful that we could have worked through it with some time and space. The more I thought about it, the more I realized I had to try this.

Like I had previously realized, I've always sorta liked Kyle. A lot. I would do anything for him. Truly. I mean if he likes me and I like him why not try?

I'm terrified of what my Dad is going to say. Not about me dating Kyle specifically but about me liking boys in general. He'd probably send me to some stupid ass camp where they'd be all "Pray the gay away!" And shit like that. I don't think you can pray it away. So fuck them and fuck that. Fuck homophobes.

Where would I even go if I get kicked out? I can't exactly just hide away in Kyle's room his parents would for sure notice at some point. I'd probably go to Kenny's. His parents wouldn't give a fuck as long as they don't have to pay for any of my shit of feed me or anything. I could figure that out; I'd get a part time job.

"You good Stan?" Ky ask me with a half smile. "Yeah, sorry just thinking," I tell him. I realize we're at Starks Pond now. I stare at the pond for a moment and I feel Kyle start to rub comforting circles on my hand with his thumb. Where his thumb rubs tingles in the best way possible. A warm happy tingling.

"So we're like... boyfriends now huh?" Kyle mumbles. "Super best boyfriends?" I ask. "I think super best boyfriends is cute" he says with a playful smile. "Yup," I agree with an equally playful smile.

"So what do super best boyfriends do?" I ask as we sit down at a bench facing the pond. "I think we get to decide that," he notes.

We sit quietly in each-other's company for a moment. "Are we gonna tell our friends?" I ask. He groans and gives my hand a squeeze. "Do you not want to tell them?" I ask. He shakes his head, "no, I do want to tell them it's just... people are annoying. By people I mean Cartman."

"We don't have to tell him I'm sure he'll figure it out. Or maybe he won't who cares about that dick. We can just tell Kenny and Butters," I suggest. "Cool," he says.

We talk and laugh for a while. I love how effortless conversation feels with Kyle. Always has and I hope it always will.

We eventually decide to take a walk down town (after he calls his mom and ask if he can "Meet up with Stan down town to hang out") .

We hold hands and walk past shops when we run into Tweek. He smiles at me. "H- hi guys," Tweek says, twitching as usual. "Hey Tweek," Kyle greets him. "What're you up to?" I ask "On the w- way to the c- coffee shop," he tells us. "Ever consider taking a break from coffee?" Kyle asks him. "AGH! what! No?!" He replies with a lot more twitch this time. "Sorry, uh... have a nice day Tweek. Tell Craig we say hi," Kyle smiles. Tweek nods (or maybe it's a twitch, I dont know) and brushes past us.

After a little more walking we stumble into the conscience store. The same one we had used a fake ID to buy booze from not that long ago. luckily for Kyle it's a different cashier.

We walk down the isles, hand in hand. "Do you want anything?" Kyle asks me. "Yeah I have a few bucks I think I'm gonna get a Dr.Pepper," I tell him. "I can pay," he offers. "You don't have to,"
I tell him. "Oh c'mon let me," he complains. "Fine," I sigh. We walk over to the isle with the drinks and I grab the handle to the fridge with the Dr.paper in it at the same time Kyle does. I look at him, our hands still on top of each other.

I look at his lips and then gaze into his eyes. As I stare into his eyes the world around me fades; blurry because it dosnt matter now. My eyes trace the shape of his lips, glaze over his freckles and then our eyes meet again.

He leans in and I freeze for a momentd when our lips touch. I rapidly melt into the kiss.
His lips are smooth, like the surface of a marble. He pulls away after a quick moment and I open my eyes and smile at him. He smiles back at me. He opens the fridge and I grab a Dr.Pepper.

Kyle grabs a coke and then we head to the register. He pays and we leave.


Standing outside of the store I see stan pull out his phone. "I was thinking, what if we just take a selfie, I'll post in and we can add a caption saying were dating or something. Only if you want of course! It'll get it out of the way that's all," he says. "I like that, it feels less anouncment-ish that way. More like us just being," I tell him honestly.

He opens his camera and holds the phone up. The both of us hold our sodas up a bit so that they're visable to the camera I wrap my arm around his waist and smile as he snaps the photo.  "Here," he says handing me the phone to look at the photo. "Nice, send it to me," I tell him.  He nods. I watch him hesitate as he goes to caption the photo. "Can I caption it?" I ask "Sure dude," he hands me the phone.

I type out "Super best boyfriends!❤️" and look at Stan. He smiles at me, I click post. "Nervous for everyone to see it?" I ask as he takes his phone back. "Nah. Worst case scenario we have each other right?" he asks. "Sorry that was cheesy," he blushes. "You're right though..." I mumble back with a small smile creeping on to my face.


Stan stays over at my house that night. I wake up Monday morning to the sound of my alarm screaming at me and Stan. I tell my alarm to shut up and then turn my body to face Stan. His arms are wrapped gently around my waist. "Morning," I whisper to him. He groans and burries his face in my chest. "I hate school," he complains in a whiny voice. His whining voice makes me blush. Every. Fucking. Time.

He looks at me with sleepy eyes and gives me a sloppy kiss on my nose. I can't help but smile, he smiles too, a big happy smile. We lay in each others arms for a while. For a while I let myself relax. Forget about school, stress, friends or what the fuck ever and just be. It feels freeing just being here with Stan. I feel more human then I ever have.

I couldn't be happier because it was always him. Always this idiot that I wanted. Even years ago; when him and Wendy started dating I remember being so jealous. Every time I felt jealous I'd brush it off as me being worried that our friendship would be ruined because he was always with Wendy. I had got used to it over time though.

Now I look at him... I look at Stan and all I can think is: it was always you... even when I didn't know it yet.

It was always you.


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